Chapter 20 - Police Station

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After I got home on Monday I couldn't help but go over what had just happened in my mind, I felt partly bad because of his family and not telling the girls, but it felt fucking amazing to see him outside of school and see him as a real person. I made the decision to avoid him on the Tuesday, not because I wanted to, but because I thought i'd give him time to think about it, I didn't want to seem clingy or needy after one meeting.

Wednesday 25th May (2016)
It was student tuition, god knows what would happen this time. I mean last time we ended up in a freaking store cupboard, and that was before we got together...

Students filled the class as I sat down with a group of 3, teaching them fractions. As usual, I heard the sound of someone dragging their feet across the floor - the sound of utter exhaustion. I knew it was Mick because I had heard him walk around for the past 2 years. I look up from the students and see him - standing next to me and admiring my work. I couldn't get enough of this man, I hated that we had to hide everything, sometimes it was fun sneaking around but it was times like this I just wanted to hug him.

Wanting endless time with this man, I looked at the clock and we had only 20 minutes left till lesson started, I tried taking in everything. The sounds and smells, the sight of his classroom and - most importantly - him. Staring at him, admiring anything he was doing from touching his hair to readjusting his watch, until one of the students got my attention back.

"Philippa, is that your phone ringing?" One of the students asked.

It's a rule that you shouldn't get your phone out in class, let alone answer a call, but seeing Michael was in charge I figured it was pretty unlikely i'd get in trouble. But then I saw it was my Mum calling, she knows i'm at school?

"Hi Mum, is everything okay?" I asked concerned, she never rings in school time.

"Hi Honey, I need you to come home now. Joe's been in a fight, he's at the police station and we might have to stay at your Dad's the night in case of any updates. You'll just be worrying all day so it's easier if you were here with us. I'll ring school and say you need to leave." She spoke as though she was trying to stay calm but very clearly rushing.

"Wait what? Since when does Joe get into fights? I've got no way of getting home it will take me half an hour to walk. Can you not pick me up on the way to the station?" I asked. However by this point, my conversation had got the attention of Michael and he was hovering over me with concerned eyes, mouthing 'is everything okay'.

"Yes okay, tell Mr Carter you're going to have to leave that tuition thing and come home, i'm sure he'll understand." She spoke very abruptly. Needless to say Mick was desperate to find out what was happening and said he wants to speak to her.

"Actually he's here now, can I put him on the phone?" I asked, scared shitless that my Mick and my Mum were about the speak - I know they've spoken before but not it's just weird.

"Hello Mrs Taylor, is everything okay?" He sounded genuinely concerned. It was kinda sweet considering the situation couldn't been a lot worse.

After I heard Mick's side of the conversation, pretty much a lot of 'yeah' and 'uh-hum' and 'of course'. I gathered she was pretty much just speaking at him, a very common occurrence with her. The phone call ended and he gave me my phone back and walked out. Just walked out. What is this man doing? Ermm hello, I need to some information here...

After five minutes he came back, with a similar action to my Mum he was rushing around like a madman, and then Mr Travis walked in. What in gods name is going on here?

"Philippa with me. Year 7s and helpers, Mr Travis is observing the session in case anyone needs any help. Okay bye guys." He put bluntly but with high energy as he grabbed his coat and satchel from under his desk.

I didn't ask questions until we made it outside. "Sir, what are we doing?" I asked confused about whatever was said in his conversation with my Mum.

"She needed to get to the station ASAP, and in cases of emergency a teacher is allowed to drive a student, so I offered and obviously your Mum and I know each other so she didn't mind. Jump in Taylor." He said on the walk to his car before opening the door for me and gesturing to get inside.

I guess he was taking me to the police station, what's that a thirty minute drive - thankyou Joseph Taylor. Although this is a terrible situation, I gotta say, every cloud has a silver lining. A girl gotta live.

Whilst driving, he quickly glanced over at me. Giving me a smile before reaching his hand over and squeezing my thigh, making me jolt forward from some kind of natural reaction I guess. I immediately burst out laughing from my dramatic reaction and his response - which was to just look concerned at how much I had just overreacted.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"I had to liven you up, I know you're not particularly keen on Joe but you have to make some effort to look upset at the station. I mean hell you look like you couldn't give too shits..." He laughed, finding it funny how unamused I was and trying to give me advice.

"Maybe that's because I haven't slept for the past two nights Mr Carter, you know I've had a lot on my mind recently and it's keeping me awake at night." I spoke in a flirtatious seductive tone.

"Oh dear Miss Taylor, that doesn't sound good at all, what's on your mind that's stopping you from sleeping?" He replied in the same seductive tone. However, it just didn't work when he was doing it, he sounded like an actual doctor. So as I would in any case, I burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. To my surprise he found my response fairly offensive, but soon joined me laughing when he realising what I was thinking.

After more chatting and laughing we reached the police station, just as we turned into a parking space, he whispered 'come here' and pulled me into an embrace, holding my head to show his support before pulling my head back to place a small kiss on my lips. He then got out the car and walked round to my side and letting me out. We were met with my Mum and Dad once we entered and Mick went straight over and shook both their hands. Although he was there for me, he was still worried about Joe, he never stopped caring for him and after all they did all get on really well - my parents included.

After fifteen minutes of talking about what had happened and Joe's situation, the police came out to inform us that Joe had been given a caution but must stay in a cell for the night. Jesus, what kind of a mess if this? Not really how i'd want my parents and Mick to see each other after 4 years but hey ho.

Michael decided to head back to school, so he said goodbye to my parents and I, gave me a very subtle wink and walked out, giving me once last look from the car park before getting into his car.

I looked back at my family and realised this was going to be a tough few weeks, divorced parents, son in trouble with the police and daughter having an affair with a teacher - well this just looks brilliant...

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