Chapter 2

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Ring!Ring! Estelle, Evelyn's mom's phone rang and she picked it up and from over the phone a policeman said "you need to come over your daughter....""my daughter what!"miss Estelle shouted angrily " the police man then said "your daughter is okay but her car is damaged come pick her up"Estelle sighed in relief "okay I'll be there in 10".

Ten minutes later Estelle arrived "Evelyn what happened" "nothing mum a drink guy scratched me with a broken bottle" Estelle then looked at the corner where she saw Josie on a stretcher and she said "and he also did that to Josie ,I told you not to go to that party""mom it's okay" then Estelle hopped in her car and Evelyn followed and they drove home.

Then Evelyn went straight to her room and she layed down and started thinking about the party, at first  she thought about the kiss she was smiling then she thought about the vampire and she thought to herself what if I turn into a vampire I won't be able to kiss Luke,I wouldn't be able to do any thing I did as a human.
"HAAAAAAA !" She screamed in frustration then she layed her head on her pillow and slept off.

Then she had a dream in their dream she saw herself standing on top of both vampires and humans body. She woke up immediately around 2:36pm she threw her pillow onto the ground and she starts to shiver.

Then she walked to her bathroom and put on  the tap and splashed some water on her face and went back to sleep she slept and woke up around 6:21 in the morning then she feels something and starts to crash everything in her room then she got to her mirror she was afraid to look at herself, she now had glowing red eyes and long red hair which she always had then she saw her fingers so long she screamed "what is happening to me"then she fell to the ground.

Evelyn went downstairs and she heard her dog then she looked at the dog the dog was scared and she started barking then Evelyn bent down and started drinking the dog's blood then her mom shouted from the stairs "Evie would you make Laura shut up she is already quiet"

"Mom don't come downstairs"Evelyn shouted "why""just don't come mom""why" as she peeks into the Dining room and she sees her daughter with fangs blood on her clothes and she screams "I thought you said it was a drunk" "mom run I can't help run"as Evelyn screeches Estelle starts to run and she enters her car then Evelyn follows her and starts to hit the car "I thought they can't walk in sunlight"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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