Chapter 41 Intruders

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  Xianghua had stopped crying. Siegfried handed her a tissue.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. You're not going to cry again are you?"

"No. I'm done."

"Ok good."

"You know even though you did bring me here against my will, I'm glad you did."

"You are?"

"Yes. You reminded me of the old times. And your old side too."


"Yep. Are you still going to take my baby?"

"No, you keep it. I figure it'll be better in your watch anyways."

"So all that at the hotel."

"I was just acting tough in front of the guys. That's all. And I wanted to bring you here. I wouldn't take your baby. I have a conscience."

"So is it really your brother's?"

"That is true, sadly."

"So your not an evil guy at all. You're still the big Teddy bear you were back then."

"Guilty as charged. All these minions were my father's. And since my brother died-"

"I thought you killed him."

"I wish. No, he got in a car accident."

"Sad way to die."

"Not for him. He should have died worse, for what he did to women. Especially you."

"You mean I wasn't the only one?"

"No. I started to find the girls that he beat, raped and almost killed and I gave them funds to get they're life back together. The girls he did kill I gave it to they're families. And of course I did it undercover."

"Your Dad?"

"Yep. The man was sick and vicious. He beat my mother. I couldn't stand it. So my mother and I moved."

"That's when you met us."

"Yes. And my brother found us and told my father and he sent me to his dumb business. I hated it so much. But with it I knew I could get you things you liked. Sadly you chose Kilik before I came back. I wish I never would of went there."

"Don't say that. You got this beautiful island and you helped all those women too."

"But I missed out on the one thing I wanted most."


"Yeah. But I know you love Kilik so you two can have the island."

"But you bought it."

"Actually it was my fund for you. I just gave the other girls money. But I wanted you to have something that was everything you wanted. And when I saw your face lit up, I knew I had accomplished my task."

  Xianghua smiled and hugged him.

"That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Really? But Kilik-"

"Doesn't put that much thought into things. I do love him, but sometimes he can be in his own little world. He's nice and loving, but even all that can't replace Teddy Bear."

 Siegfried smiled.

"You haven't called me that in years."

"I know."

  -Intruder Alert-

  -Intruder Alert-

  -Intruder Alert-

  -Intruder Alert-

  -Intruder Alert-


"You think it's Kilik?"


"You stay here, I'll evacuate everyone."

  Siegfried started to walk away.


 Xianghua kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"See you around."

She said hugging him.

"See you Xianghua."

 He left and stood by the window and watched them all leave the island.

 Be safe Siegfried and come see me again.

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