The start of a Double Life

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"So can you paint" Asked Dylan

"I don't know I never tried," said Dante

"I'll be right back," said Dylan walking away looking for Da Vinci

Da Vinci was sitting on the couch thinking of new painting ideas

"Hey Da Vinci, can I borrow some paint and a canvas?" Asked Dylan while he was walking up to her

"Sure but why?" Asked Da Vinci tilting her head a bit

"Umm, it's for a friend?"  Dylan said

"Uh ok," said Da Vinci

Dylan grabbed a paintbrush, a blank canvas, and a bucket of paint and went back upstairs

Dylan gave Dante the paintbrush paint and canvas

"Ok I'll try my best I guess" Said Dante grabbing the paintbrush beginning to paint

A few minutes later Dante was finished he made an extremely well-made self portiat, Dylan was in shock at how good Dante's painting was.

"Wow Dante you're great at art," said Dylan with a smile

"I guess so," Said, Dante

"Ok we found what your new talent is," Dylan said

"Anyways wanna go to the treehouse to relax?" Asked Dylan

"Sure," Dante said following him to the treehouse

"Hey, Dylan are you in here?" Da Vinci asked while walking into the room where Dante's painting was

Da Vinci looked at the painting in shock

Da Vinci grabbed the canvas and took it to Dylan's treehouse

"Hey Dylan did you-" Da Vinci paused and looked at Dante

"Who are you?" Da Vinci asked

"It's me Da-" Dylan cut him off

"This is my friend Josh," Dylan said

Dante looked at Dylan like he was insane questioning in his head why Dylan lied

"oh ok well did you make this?" Da Vinci said showing the canvas

"No Josh did," Dylan said pointing at Dante

"Oh well I really like it," Da Vinci said

"Oh thank you," Dante said

"Would you like to hang out sometimes?" Asked Da Vinci

"Uh sure I guess," Dante said

Da Vinci smiled and left holding the canvas

"I love this painting so much," Da Vinci said blushing a bit

"I can't wait to hang out with him tomorrow" Said Da Vinci walking to her room

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