Chapter 4: Instagram DM

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You = normal text, Tom Holland = bold text

Hey [Y/N]

Thought I'd just share this

Thought I'd just share this

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Ok bye!

Heyy Tom


It's 3am and now I'm

desperately craving for

cake 😕😕😕

Thanks a lot

Haha sorry that was very

mean of me

My bad

What are you doing awake

at this hour anyway?


That sucks

Prolly my own fault though

for having two Starbucks fraps

After dinner

Lol good job

What about you?

You're still up too

Yeah I don't usually go

to bed until like 5am

It's bad I know

Night owls unite!

Are we forming a club?

Yes and I'll be president


Someone's bossy

I mean assertive


You have no idea

Do I even want to ask?

No you don't


This is weird

What is?


Chatting with you

like this

Like you're just a

Normal person

Instead of Tom

Holland, movie star

and object of desire to

932084732871 girls

out there


Are you suggesting

that I'm abnormal?

I would never 😏 


But in all seriousness

It's nice to get to be

normal once in a while

Do you miss it?

Your life before fame

Sometimes yeah

But I'm grateful for

Everything I've got going

on right now

Doing what I love and all


You should be proud

Of all that you've

achieved ✨ 

How about you?

Me? Oh I'm studying

fashion in uni

It's great so far


I look forward to seeing

your name headlining

the New York Fashion

Week one day yeah?

That's the dream

Ok I really should

try to get catch zzz's

I have a long day of

classes tomorrow

Ok good night and

sweet dreams, [Y/N]

You too

Gnight Tom

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