Chapter 1( The Phone Call )

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( Her outfit up above )

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( Her outfit up above )

Zuri was doing tummy with Owen while Elizabeth was watch tv when she got a call from her friend Niklaus Mikaelson

( all of this happened after Hayley told Elijah and Klaus there is another option in Season 1 Episode 22 : From a cradle to a grave 

Phone call :

Zuri : Hey Nik

Klaus : Hello Luv I need ask you a favor 

Zuri : Sure what do you need 

Klaus : So you know how I got a wolf named Hayley pregnant well she had the baby ,it's a girl and we need to protect the baby by getting away from New Orleans ,could you keep the baby until we have everything figured out 

Zuri : of course I can and I will protect her like she is my own 

Klaus : Also no one must know she is alive or a Mikaelson

Zuri : Ok I understand but there is one thing?

Klaus : Ok what is ist?

Zuri : How would you feel if I moved to New Orleans after everything was over to be closer to you and your siblings and help out with hope and any problems

Klaus : That would be great but you don't have to 

Zuri : I know I just really miss the Mikaelson siblings and I want to get to know Hayley in person

Klaus : I think it's a wonderful idea Luv

Zuri : Well I will be there tonight

Klaus : Goodbye Luv

Zuri : Bye Nik

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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