PART - 1

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Coco - Hey girls
Alex - Hey
Sicily - Heyy
Alex - So are we going to the mall?!!
Coco - yes after school
Sicily - uhm maybe
Alex - YAYY!
Alex - Guys look!who are they?theyre hot
Sicily - My Prince charming!
Coco - you guys can keep dreaming, I'm going to the bathroom.
*Coco walked to the bathroom*
*Meanwhile with Gavin, Walker and Nicho*
Gavin - Guys I really need to use the bathroom
*Gavin and his crew walked to the bathroom*
Walker - We didn't find any bully girls yet😈
*Coco walks out of the bathroom and sees that the boys are in the girls bathroom*
Coco - Guys know that this is the girls bathroom right?
Nicho - And who are you?
Coco - That is not important
Stay tuned for next part

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