Coming home

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~Eliza POV~

I'm so happy to finally be home! The kids are excited to see their father and I am too. I've missed Alexander, but I know he probably needed some alone time. As me and the kids walk through the front door, we see Alexander smiling at us.

                        ~3rd person POV~

Alexander immediately hugged his family. He had missed them a lot. He still felt terrible about what he had done when they were gone yes, but he was trying not to think about it, which was difficult, but he knew it was for the better. They talked a bit about what had happened on the trip before Eliza went to their room. It was a bit of a long ride back and she was tired so she was going to sleep for a little while before dinner.

                           ~Eliza POV~

As I walk into our room, I'm hit with an odd scent. It smells like musty roses..? That's weird.  He probably just accidentally knocked over some cheap perfume.......



I'll think about it later, I'm too tired.

                 ~3rd person POV~

As Eliza went to sleep, Alex realized Maria had left one of her dresses there and he forgot to return it. He rushed upstairs and carefully opened the door and snuck in, trying his best to sneak past a sleeping Elizabeth. He got to the closet, grabbed the dress, and snuck back out again, carefully closing the door behind him. He thought he was in the clear, until.........

"Daddy? Who's dress is that?"
It was Phillip. Alexander thought he was in his room playing with his toys so he was a bit startled when he appeared. "Oh! It's uh...a dress Auntie Angelica gave you mother! It's very old and you mom doesn't remember she has it so I'm giving it to a friend of mine for her birthday." Lied Alexander. He knew Phillip would believe him. It was an easy lie to get away with. Or so he thought, but we'll get into that later. Alex went downstairs and opened the front door and started the track to the Reynolds household. After he arrived, he knocked on the door. To his utter glee, Maria opened the door. "Alexander? I thought your family was coming home today so we couldn't do this anymore." She said, wondering why he was here. "No no! I've came to return something!" "Return something?" Maria had forgotten that she had left her dress there. "Yes! Here you go." He handed her the dress and she remembered she had left it. "Oh! Thank you, Alexander, you really are a saint!" She smiled. He returned her smile, but wasn't prepared for what was about to come next. "Would you like some wine?" He was a little caught off guard and accepted out of habit. She led him to the kitchen and poured them both a glass of wine. They chatted for a bit, laughing and smiling at one another. "So James isn't home today?" He asked, making sure it was okay. "Yes, he has some "work" to attend to." Alexander immediately noticed her change of tone and was thinking of ways to avoid what was coming next. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard." "Yeah...." he was about to leave when Maria stopped him. "Wait. Why don't you stay just a little bit longer? Please?" He knew she was in a vulnerable state and might not be well off on her own so he agreed. They talked for a bit longer then when he got up to leave, Maria kissed him on the cheek. He didn't really mind, except for the fact that her lipstick was a bright red. They said their farewells as he went back home, trying his best to remove the glossy lip shaped print from his right cheek. By the time he got home it was just a faint pink that you could only see if you looked hard enough or in very bright light. He walked through the door just in time to see Eliza getting dinner started. Just a glance at her made his stomach drop. He had such a wonderful family, why did he do this...? To his joy, Eliza didn't question where he ran off to, as he did it a lot. So much in-fact that she expected it. They ate dinner then Alexander made his way to his office to continue working. Eliza went back to their room and sat on the bed while brushing her hair after changing into a nightgown. She looked around and saw an unfamiliar red lipstick on the vanity. She was started to get weirded out but thought that maybe it was hers and she forgot she had it. And at that, she fell asleep.

                    To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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