| Chapter 01 |

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A new Customer

,,I'd like to get one bag of rice and three apples please." you asked politely while smiling at the salesgirl. She smiled as well and nod, handing you the small sized bag and the apples, which you put into your basket. After putting everything inside your basket you pulled out your purse and handed her the few silver coins you had left over. You looked up at her face, not missing the pitying look she had while looking at the few coins you've just handed her over. You sigh and turn on your heel, mumbling a quiet goodbye and leaving the marketplace to get back to your small house.

Your face was wearing a small exhausted smile while preparing your breakfast and you couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh. The memories of your former husband comming up while you were preparing breakfast, it was quiet a habit of his when you were preparing breakfast and he would come up from behind to hug you and give you kisses on your neck. It's inevitable that you let out a silent snicker and leant your head to the side while you wallow in your memories. It had been around eight months now since he left you. Your smile vanishes the moment you realise that he left you because you were infertile and couldn't like promised bear his children. He didn't think twice to pack his belongings and make his way out of your shared home to leave you forever. You're glad that you never let him have his way with you because you wanted to make sure, that he was your one and only before you agree to make the next step and give him your first time. You were thankful that you didn't go that far with him, because in the end he didn't love you nor did he have any feelings for you. You were just a woman he could posses, nothing more. It's not like you married him because of love, you didn't really like him. But he used to be quiet a gentleman and your fathers last wish was for you to marry a man who would treat you right, not go into marriage because of love. Your father and your mother were the exception though, it was always evident that your mother and your father were the ones destinated for each other.

You glanced at your pinky, the memories of the legends your mother told you came up, your favorite one has always been the red string of fate. You didn't know why you loved it so much, it probably will never occur in your life but you can't help but hope that someday it comes true. You loved the idea of having a soulmate who would do everything for you and accept you the way you are, not leave you because you can't bear children. You just hope that one day a person will come and for the first time in your life love you for who you are.

You shrugged off the thoughts and continued to make your breakfast. A simple meal which fills you up so you don't have to worry about a meal for the rest of the day. Your situation couldn't allow that anyway, you had to flip every coin you had since you only gained money from the small shop your family used to own, which was yours now since no one of your family was alive anymore. You made enough money to get through the month, but if you had a bad day you sometimes couldn't even afford one meal per day. That lifestyle wasn't the healthiest, but you had no other choice. You just didn't make enough to eat like a queen. At least you gained a pretty body from that.

You ate your breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen before you made your way to the bathroom to take a quick and cold bath. If you can't afford two meals per day then how could you afford hot water? You stepped out of the old bathtub and put a towel around you and used a second towel to dry your hair off. You brushed your teeth and made your way to your room and put on a long sleeved dress with a pair of tights. You looked inside your mirror and smiled at yourself thinking that today might be a good day.

Searching for the key to your workplace you dropped it on the floor and bent down, not noticing the man who bent down as well and your head collide with each other, what causes you to moan out in pain ,,You dense bag of rotten onions, pay attention if someone is infront of you!". The man widened his eyes and looked confused, as if he was surprised that you talk to him. ,,I beg your pardon, did you describe me as a dense bag of onions?" he asked you while holding your key in his hand, still looking out of place. You just shake your head and grab the key and open the door to step inside, removing your coat and putting it on the clothes rack. The mysterious and odd man stepping inside as well, looking around as if he's searching for something. You can't help but take a closer look at him. Your eyes wander from his feet up this crotch up this chest and bride shoulders until your eyes meet his, either he was looking at you from head to toe as well or he was looking at you while you were looking at him from head to toe. You'd prefer the first option. ,,Is there a matter of concern with my clothing that you took notice in or why do you look so dumbfounded...?" he said while continuing to stare into your eyes. His eyes on you were taking in every motion you did.

The Red String Of Fate | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now