The waterfall.

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I had texted this boy at two in the morning. 

" Do you want to go hiking?" 


The next morning we both had to work at Ten, but he had burrowed his grandfathers car in order to meet me at a local fast food restaurant. I was nervous to get into his car, but I took the chance. We had to navigate the dirt roads to get to this magical waterfall that was perfect for amazing pictures. We parked the car near the entrance of the hiking trail. He had never been there before so I was leading the way. I showed him the fallen tree which was used by almost everyone as a bridge. We had to watch our steps on the hike up the rocky slope toward the base of the waterfall. I raced him up the steep hill and through the water that pushed me down the slippery rocks. I didn't fall and He didn't lose pace. We both endured the freezing August waters that soaked through our shoes and socks. We had made it to to the amazing view at the top. The heights of waterfall had made me want to back away quickly, but I kept that a secret from him. He enjoyed the view. We had decided to climb down the side of the mountain which we had so eagerly tried to run up. As we approached the car the sun was barley passing over the top of the tree line. It was roughly thirty minutes before we had to be at our separate jobs. He had thrown the car in a complete circle in order to point the car toward the main road. He had been going so very fast around the curves. The gravel road didn't help the spinning tires. The broken sway bar link also may have caused the next events to occur. One minute we were on the straight road laughing and having a ball. The next moment we were flying down the side of a cliff with all four tires off the ground. The next thing I know is I couldn't find my glasses and I couldn't see the world around me. He had started to get out of the car, but due to the fact the doors were surrounded by gravel and large chunks of rocks from the mountain side. We both climbed out of the sun roof and waited for the hell he was going to catch for crashing his grandfathers car. One year and three months later.. I have planned our wedding and he has survived boot camp for the Army. It was an adventure that started a lifetime. He will always be my bestfriend and my other half! Thanks for listening to this story. 

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