George Weasley #1

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I was sitting in the Gryffindor common room drawing. I had been working on this one single picture for ages. I’d been roughly sketching my crush of two years. To be honest, I didn’t even know why I kept doing this to myself. 

There was no way he felt the same way! Why would he? But at every chance I got I would have a quick glance at him without him noticing. At least I had hoped he hadn’t seen me. I smiled to myself looking down at my finished drawing. I rubbed out the faint lines of pencil and held the picture up to the light. 

"Whatchya doin Y/N?" said a familiar voice. A voice that may or may not have been linked to my drawing. I had hoped he hadn't seen it. I quickly slid the paper into my book and held moved it close to my chest. "Just drawing!" I replied.

"Watchya drawing?" he asked sitting on the couch next to me. I hoped he wasn't going to ask me. What was I going to say!? I didn't really know! "Oh just stuff George!" I said. "What stuff Y/N?" he asked curiously.  

I hated when George said this. He never stopped asking questions until he was satisfied with the response. I just looked at him and smirked. He rolled his eyes! I grabbed my bag and walked up to my dormitory. Ask I walked up the stairs he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

I slipped and fell into his chest. He smelt amazing. He felt so warm and cozy. He caught me, before I fell to the floor. 
"Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to help me set up some pranks. Fred's hanging out with Lee today and I have no one else"

I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes and smiled. "There's really no one else? What about Angelina or....." I started saying. "They're busy" he said cutting me off. I knew he was lying. I mean it was quite easy to tell.

He'd turn bright red and start playing with his hands. I looked at him and smiled. He knew the answer was yes. He took my hand and led me out of the common room. 

There was an empty classroom nearby that we walked into. "Okay so what we're gonna do is put a dungbomb under each of the students chairs...Oh including the professor of course" he said.

"Once there's any type of movement they give off a putrid odour. " he explained. "So why exactly am I needed?" I asked confused. "I mean there are a lot of bombs that need to be set up!" he said. I smiled to myself. I should be happy!

I'm literally hanging out with the one and only George Weasley. "Alright, well let's get to it!" I said. We started setting the dungbombs under each of the chairs. It took about 20 minutes. 

Once we finished we stepped back and admired our amazing work. I heard multiple footsteps approaching the empty classroom. I grabbed George's arm and we hid in one of the closets. As the first half of the students starting pulling out their chairs that's when the 'magic' happened.

Students starting screaming and yelling. Their faces scrunched up, looking disgusted, holding their noses and mouths. Professor McGonagall didn't look too impressed. 

We covered out mouths laughing so hard but not too much that we were heard. Out of the corner of my eye I saw George looking at me. I was blushing but my eyes are were still trying to focus on the kids through the cracks of the closet.

I moved closer to George so I could have a better view. He looked through, standing behind me. His hand on my waist making sure I didn't trip. Not all the dungbombs had gone off until everyone starting running out of the room.

Chairs and tables being knocked over gave the chance for the rest of the bombs to go off. Professor McGonagall looked around the room confused. The room was empty just as before. 

She looked around the classroom and her eyes landed on the closet, George and I were in. She walked over and swung the door wide open. George and I burst out laughing. "DETENTION!!!" the Professor yelled. We didn't even care we had detention. You both walked out laughing, faces bright red.

Tears were running down our cheeks. As we walked to the Great Hall for dinner, I sat down next to Fred and Lee wiping away the tears from my cheeks. 
I couldn't stop smiling. That was the most fun I had had in ages.

"That was a pretty good prank Y/N!" George said sitting beside me. "The best one yet!" I said smiling. Once dinner was finished we both made our way back to the classroom.

We had to clean everything up. As we approached the room, we looked at each other and smiled. "We did well George!" I said. He nodded in agreeance.

The night was long, cleaning up the entire classroom took forever. But being with George made it so much better. I really did like him.

We dusted off our hands and made our way back to the Gryffindor common room. "I had a lot of fun today Y/N!" he said breaking the silence.

"Me too George!" I replied looking down. 

"I uh...Y/N I need to tell you something...." he started to say. "What's up George!?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking. "There's this girl! I...I really like her but I'm too afraid to say anything!" he said nervously.

"Oh really? Well whatever the response I think it's best you tell her!" I said. He moved closer to me and held my chin up. " it goes!" he whispered. 
Before I knew it he had pinned me against the wall and kissed me.

"Y/N! Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked hopefully! " Georgie!!" I quickly pulled him back into the kiss. I didn't hesitate to make that move. I'd liked George since day one of when we met.

I pulled away to catch a breath. He quickly pulled me back in. He cupped my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We'd stayed in that position for a while only to be interrupted by a familiar voice. 

"Get a room you two!" It was Lee. My face went red as always. George rolled his eyes and smiled. "Took you long enough brother!" Fred said entering the room.

"Oh shut it Freddie!" George replied. We both laughed and walked back to the common room, George and I holding hands. 

"Wait! Georgie I wanna show you something!" I let go of his hand and ran to grab my notebook I kept my sketches in. "You wanted to know earlier today it is"

I handed George the drawing I had done of him! "It's beautiful Y/N just as you are" He said kissing my forehead.

"I love it so much!"    

George Weasley One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now