Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year(Unless You're Dating Wizards)

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Tony walked into the living room of his penthouse and flopped onto the couch with a dramatic sigh.

"J, I have a problem."

"Of course you do, sir."

Tony raised his head up from where he'd faceplanted the cushions and gave the nearest camera a glare.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Oh nothing sir, nothing at all."

If JARVIS had a face, Tony's pretty sure it would be smirking right about now.

"I'm serious! Christmas is in a few days and I still haven't found a gift for Loki and Stephen."

"Disregarding the fact that Master Loki is an alien that does not acknowledge Earth holidays, have you tried asking them what they would like?"

Oh he tried, alright. But with one boyfriend already being a prince and the other rejecting modern things to be all shama-lama-ding-dong with the mystic arts, Tony's usual method of throwing money at an issue was not going to work.

"I have J, Loki just poofs whatever he needs into being and Stephen never wants anything I try to buy him."

"Perhaps then, sir, you should focus your efforts on creating a gift...something that will hold meaning for your partners."

"But Jaaarvis, that requires doing the feelings!" Tony whined.

When there was no forthcoming answer from the AI, he returned to faceplanting the couch.

"Well, it's not like I've got any better ideas."


"Hey Lolo, you happen to have a wrench in that space pouch of yours?"

"I swear you're just making up excuses to raid my pocket dimensions, Anthony."

"Well duh," Tony said with a grin," not everyday you get a boyfriend with an intergalactic fanny pack."

Loki rolled his eyes but opened up the portal anyway.

While rummaging around for the item Tony wanted (and good grief he needed an organizer rack in there or something), the genius noticed a small silver object fell to the ground.

"Hey what's this?"

Loki looked over at the object in the inventor's hand with a sad smile.

"That belonged to my mother. It was part of her favorite bracelet. That piece is all that's left."

"You've never tried to fix it?"

"I wanted to, but it's made of a magic resistant metal," Loki said with a look on his face that Tony definitely never wanted to see cross it again, "unfortunately, the only place to get that is Níðavellir, and let's just say....the dwarves aren't exactly welcoming where I'm concerned."

There was a beat of silence after that before a chime went off on Loki's phone. He looked at the text an nearly busted out laughing.

"Oh dear."


"It would seem our dear Stephen needs me to retrieve him from the mirror dimension he's been tossed in."

"Why doesn't he just use his sling ring?"

"Because," Loki said with an amused grin," Wong took it."

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year( Unless You're Dating Wizards)Where stories live. Discover now