Chapter One

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It was a beautiful day out at the park, and Yuki and her friends, Runo and Dan, were there trying to get ahold of Dan and Yuki's childhood friend, Shun.

“Come on man, why isn't he picking up?” Dan commented while trying to call his best friend again, ending up with no luck. “Is it a ninja thing or what?”

“You probably lost your cool and ticked him off again.” Runo commented coolly.

“Nah, I don’t think so. Hey, Yuki, why don’t you try calling him. He seems to answer you more than he does me for some reason.” Dan states, looking over to the girl. Her hair was dark, long , and straight, but her eyes were a crystal blue, and her skin like porcelain.

“Sure, I'll try. No promises he'll pick up though. He might be training still. The other night he was telling me that he'll be training in the mountains and may not be able to use his phone often.” Yuki responded while pulling out her phone and trying to dial out to Shun.

“How come he tells you all these things and not me?” Dan pouted.

“Because I actually listen.” She retorts, causing Runo to giggle. The call went to voice-mail, and Yuki ended the call. “No luck for me either. Like I said, he might just be busy.” Yuki shrugged.

“We've already planned to hang out today though…” Dan murmured. Suddenly, a small explosion erupted behind the group, knocking them over. Julie and Marucho then came bustling out of some bushes.

“What the-?!” Dan commented as some portal appeared before them, along with a pyrus bakugan. “Huh? Who could this be?”

Yuki inspected it from where she was at, watching it pop open.

“Hello, Daniel.” A familiar voice greeted.

“Hey, it’s Drago! Sorry bud you look different.” Dan replied.

“It's alright, but I didn’t come for a reunion. Dan, I need your help.”

“Of course, but I need to speak to you and only you. If the rest of you could turn around.”

And so, they did, but next thing the girls knew was that Drago, Dan, and Marucho were gone. Runo and Julie flipped while Yuki stood there with her arms crossed, pissed. That wasn’t the only thing that was bothering her, though. With Drago showing up, she felt like Shun was more than just ‘busy at the moment’.

“Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later. I’ve got to check on something.” Yuki stated as the other girls looked back at her in confusion.

“Oh, okay.” Julie replied, still confused.
“Is everything okay?” Runo added, concerned.

Yuki nodded and gazed at the ground. “I just got a feeling that Shun not picking up his phone has something more to do than just training. Especially after Drago came around. I'll let you guys know what's up once I figure things out.”

“Okay then, good luck!” Runo cheered.
“If Shun is home don't get too distracted!” Julie doted, making Yuki roll her eyes. Shun was one of her best friends. Not to mention one of her childhood friends.

She waved them off then decided to head to the dojo, hopefully looking for some answers.


When Yuki arrived, she knocked on the front door, knowing either Shun or his grandfather would answer since they were the only two that lived there. The front door slid open, revealing Grandpa Kazami.

“Mr. Kazami.” Yuki greeted with a bow. “It's nice to see you.”

“You as well Ms. Yuki. What brings you to the dojo? Shun hasn't come back yet from his training. Though, he should have checked in a while ago…”

Yuki felt a pang of worry in her chest, but she rather not shown it. She knew Shun was capable of handling things on his own, but she still worried for him. “Ah, I see.” She replies. “If you see him at all, can you ask him to call me? Please?”

“Why of course. You take care now, and thank you for stopping by.” He smiled and waved.

“It was my pleasure.” Yuki smiled before waving and began to walk off, hearing the door close behind her. Sh e then heard something almost break in the trees nearby, hearing a whirring sound. She looked over to see a familiar portal, much like the one Drago came from. Looking around then back at the portal, she took a moment before deciding to jump in. She was a brawler, and if Drago came for help, something in New Vestroia was going on.
Next thing Yuki knew was that she was falling five feet above ground in a meadow clearing.

“Ah!” she braced herself from the grounds impact, feeling the lush grass beneath her soon enough. “Ow…” she groaned then looked around. It was beautiful. It was much like earth, but at the same time it wasn’t. Where were all the bakugan that were supposed to be wandering around?

Yuki heard a whirring nearby, and some sort of aircraft landed by her. She stood up, waiting to see who emerged from the red vehicle. It was a blonde man in a feathered jacket and a mask over his face. Another male who wore brown similar styled clothing and long blue hair emerged as they both gazed at her.

“My my, look at what we have here, Gus. A little girl, lost.” The blonde chuckled.

The blackette stood herself up and kept her distance from the two, not knowing who they were.

“She's quite pretty,” the blonde commented looking her over underneath his mask. Her attire was a mere black bandeau top, a omen black pleated skirt with shorts, and black combat boots. “She would be a good prize for the prince, don't you think Gus?”

Gus looked to the blond in bewilderment. “Master Spectra? You plan to deliver her to the prince?”

“There is no way in hell I'm going with you.” Yuki stated, noticing an entrance to the forest and booked it. She heard the sound of their aircraft close and it lift off, she was so close to the forest entrance, but began to panic when the aircraft began to gain up on her.
The sound of something whirled towards her from behind but she didn’t look back to see what it was and instead made her way through the entrance, only to be yanked aside and behind a tree as a net tangled over a bush. She screamed at the sudden contact with someone and she was pushed against the tree, a black gloved hand over her mouth as the person peaked behind the tree to see if the aircraft gave up. Once they saw that it did they removed their green hood and mask, looking down to her with familiar topaz eyes.

“Yuki, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” asked the familiar raven head, Shun.

She threw her arms around her, glad to see he was okay. “Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you. A portal opened up near your house. I was checking up on you to see if you were back from training. Dan and I tried getting a hold of you for a while. Dan and Marucho went through one after Drago showed up and asked for help, leaving us girls behind."

Shun wrapped his arm around her, glad she was safe. “I'll catch you up on what's going on here in New Vestroia, but let’s get somewhere safe. I have a camp set up nearby, we'll talk there. I also want to know why they were after you.”

“Ah- right…” Yuki replied, pulling away from their embrace before following him towards camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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