ocho | PERFECT

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ocho | PERFECT


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Demi was at an interview. They were getting buried with questions about you. You were their childhood crush that turned into their girlfriend / boyfriend unexpectedly. There was always something there, but you two were scared about ruining the friendship until now. At the time, Demi was getting lost in their drugs also.


"So, we hear there's someone new in your life. So how's that going?" Jimmy Kimmel ask.

"You mean y/n. It's going perfect. We have our fair share of fights, but what couple doesn't." Demi chuckled a bit.

"Yeah of course. So you two known each other since middle school?"

"Yeah. She / he's my best friend. I always had a crush but I was in middle, I barley knew what that was. As I got older, feelings started to develop and drugs started happening. So it got difficult to keep her / him in my life." Demi spoke as they nodded listening,

"How about now?" He continued the conversation.

"Right now, we're good. Being sober is good but can be challenging. Other than that, their perfect." Demi smiled.

"Demi lovato, everyone!" Jimmy smiled at the audience while they began to clap and that's around the time they cut to commercial.

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