Sleepy wilbur

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Fluffy semi-angst

Characters: Shlatt, Wilbur

//TW// insomnia, swearing,  implied anorexia

Ship: (very slight Shlattbur, can be perceived as platonic if you don't like the ship)

|wilbur is sleep deprived and sad, shlatt tries to help|

wilbur wasn't okay.

despite what he said.

'i'm fine! how are you though? i noticed you seem blue? need somebody to talk to?'

the only person who ever saw a glimpse into this was Jshlatt. him of all people.

nobody knew what wilbur was going through. he planned on keeping it that way.

other people didn't need to waste their thoughts on him. there are more important things.

nobody knew how little he slept. nobody knew how little he ate.

nobody noticed how his ribs showed through his shirt. 

it was fine this way. he was fine this way.

sighing, wilbur put down his guitar. he looked at the clock. 3:46 AM

another all-nighter.

he put on his shoes, grabbed a baggy hoodie and hurried out the door

a little walk never hurt anybody.

it was warm, but to wilbur it felt freezing. he sat down on a bench and his dull, tired eyes focused on the starry night sky


Unlike him.

the intrusive thoughts were back. wilbur closed his eyes and leant back on the bench.

'what he f- wilbur??'

his eyes snapped open to reveal a tall brunette.

'god wilbur, you look like shit are you okay!?'

it was shlatt.

'oh hey shlatt..i'm okay. what about you?' wilbur mumbled

shlatt rolled his eyes, sitting down

'when was the last time you slept?' shlatt looked at him concerned. 'it's just been hard y'know. making a new song and everything...' wilbur lied. he had finished his song days ago.

'hm. right.' shlatt said, not believing him. 

exhausted, wilbur put his head on shlatt's shoulder. surprisingly, he didn't object. the two sat like that till morning, wilbur eventually falling asleep.

{A/N ik i'm bad at writing fluff. if you want me to do plain fluff or plain angst feel free to comment. just want to remind you, constructive criticism and ideas are is always accepted!}

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