•Chapter 2: The 'Date'•

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"So where are we going?" I ask eagerly wanting to know.

"Well..its a surprise.."

"Freddie!" I say as I shove him. "You know I love surprises but come on! This isn't fair!"

"Life isn't fair-"

"Don't. you. dare. use. my. sayings. against. me. weasley!" I say with every word tackling him.

"Or what?" He teases as he pulls me closer to him (so that our faces are inches away from each other).

"Or she won't do you after you come back!!" We hear someone yell but as we turn around we don't see anyone.


"Let's continue shall we?"

"Yeah. "

We continue walking towards Hogsmeade. Our hands brush past each other and for a second our hands touch.. Then Fred realises what has happened and he takes his hand off while blushing. In the end I feel comfortable with us holding hands so I hold out my hand to his. He looks at me in a you-sure? way and I nod. Then our hands overlap. As we get to Hogsmeade Fred lets go of my hand and tells me to stop. As soon as I stop he puts some sort of cloth on my eyes so that I can't see.

"Really? Come on Fred!"

"Just go with it. You'll like where we are going"


After what felt like a few minutes, we stopped and Fred took of the piece of cloth.

"Okay now you can open your eyes."

I open my eyes excitedly to find that we are in an arcade.

(A/N; for the sake of the story pretend hogsmeade has some sort of arcade-)


"So? do you like it?"

"Do I like it? I love it!"

He smiles as he takes my hand into his and asks "What game do you want to do first?"

"Hmm.." I look around the arcade. There is lots of games to choose from..Which should we do first? My eyes scan the room until one game catches my eye.

"That one!!" I say pointing to it.

"Let's go!"

"PROMISES?" - FRED WEASLEY x READEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora