Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1 ━━ Spoiled Child

Originally, the Eternals script included twelve Eternals under the team lead by Ajak. So I thought to add two more; Ayaz being one and Hestia being the other.


575 BC - Babylon

Centuries later, when the Eternals arrive at Babylon, they find the place already under attack by Deviants.

Ayaz finds himself in between the battle soon after. He is what is typically known as the black sheep in the Eternal family. Despite his love to cause chaos daily basis, Ayaz is another intimate looking Eternal, bottling up cosmic energy in him which he could manipulate ice and teleport across inter-dimensional locations within dark blue clouds of smoke, maybe it's just his attitude that clearly screamed I do not give a damn.

He prefers to hide his emotions behind his frost walls and show an emotionless face when it comes to emotions.

But deep down, he knows that he cares too much for the people he loves. That might be a reason he decides to keep his distance away from others.

"I'm so ready for this." With his mischievous grin, he cracks his neck when a Deviant roars and charges at him.

Throwing sharp ice daggers at its weak spot in the intention to weaken it, he watches the Deviant shriek in pain as the daggers make contact with its skin.

In the momentum of distraction, he teleports onto its neck and forms much longer ice daggers in his both hands and stabs deeper into the flesh of its throat, creating a fatal wound and immediately dragging the Deviant down to its death.

"No hard feelings, mon pote." Ayaz says, hopping off the dead Deviant, only to notice Gilgamesh being thrown away from a Deviant. He teleports to the Deviant just in time as Ikaris, Thena, Kingo, and Makkari make it to the creature.

Creating more ice in his fingertips, he freezes the legs of the Deviant while Ikaris and Kingo shoot at it. Thena swiftly jumps on it and stabs it.

Throughout the struggle of the Deviant to breakfree the group of Eternals, Gilgamesh manages to throw a strong punch at it, making it collapse into the ground.

"Is it the last one?" Ayaz asks, looking for a sight of any life of Deviant survivors, which he finds none.

"It is the last one." Makkari signals to him, confirming.

"For now." Thena adds.

"Good that." Ayaz smirks and teleports to the Domo, only to meet up with the Prime Eternal, herself.

"How's the fight?" She asks.

"It was well."

Ajak nods with satisfaction, but then again, her face turns all serious. "Can I talk to you about something? Specifically about your newly formed smoking habit."

The white blond taps on his chin as if he's thinking for his answer. "How about a no?"

"Listen to me for once, Ayaz-!"

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