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TW: Smoking, alcohol, and provocative language.

You have been warned.


You don't have to of course, I just recommend it. :)

There is a slight chirping in the background. The sun is peeking through your blinds and plasters itself all over your body, which is wrapped up in white linen. Batting your eyelashes, you looked down to see a muscular arm draped over you. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you followed the arm up to the muscles up to his face. "Goodmorning baby". You met his eyes and let your eyebrows go into the resting state they are usually in. "Goodmorning Suna".

"Y/N!!!! IT'S NOON, WAKE UP." you shot up out of your bed and looked down to see the missing person and your normal f/c sheets. "Ughhh why am I dreaming about him" you thought. You went downstairs and ate your now cold breakfast your grandparents had made for you. "Y/N hunny, we both have work tonight and won't be back until tomorrow around 1 or 2." your grandmother said. "oh okay..since you guys won't be home, can I go to a party? It's more of just a get together rather than a party. Don't worry thoughthere won't be any drugs or alcohol, we will just probably watch a-" "Yes, you may go" "Oh.. okay!" you hugged your grandmother and ran back to your room.  "What. do. I. wear." you mumbled.

After some time of figuring out what to wear, you took a shower and started getting ready. (I'm going to leave this up to you, just imagine what you would like to wear. The party will be more casual rather than like club one obviously, so it would be more realistic if you went with something casual. If you do want to go all out and wear a club dress or whatever feel free to! This is completely up to you! -writer) You heard your phone ding. You saw that you got a message from a random number. "Must be Suna" you thought. You opened your phone and saw the details "Ahh okay, the party isn't too far from here." You added Suna into your contact list and continued getting ready.

You didn't have a car yet, so you just decided to walk to the party. After a few minutes of walking, you arrived. You could hear loud music booming from inside the house and there were red solo cups laying around in the front yard. "I thought this was going to be a smaller type party..." you thought as you kicked a red solo cup. You made your way up the yard and stood on the front porch. You started getting nervous quickly, your stomach started turning and you felt like you were going to vomit. "Okay.. okay calm down, it's okay" you reassured yourself. As you went to open the door, the door swung open and you almost fell forward. You regained your balance and looked up to see a random drunk couple making their way out the door while making out and stumbling over each other. You stepped out of their way and turned your head to watch the couple make it down the stairs off the porch and then immediately fall over. You laughed, "what the fuck is happening".

Your nervousness faded as you made your way deeper into the party. You had to keep pushing through a bunch of people that you've never seen before. You made your way to the kitchen. You saw Kita leaning against the counter talking to 2 other people. You leaned over the counter and tapped on Kitas shoulder to get his attention. Kita turned around and flashed a smile; "Hey Y/N!" he yelled over the loud music. You caught one of his friends eyeing you up and down, you returned your gaze back to Kita. "Where is Suna?" "He's in the backroom" "Backroom?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "Yep", Kita pointed down the hall to the room."Thank you.." you said with an unsure tone. "Why is he in the backroom?" you thought. You started walking down the hallway, until a strong smell came and smacked you in the face. "Is that..?" you thought as the smell got stronger the closer you were to the door. You heard people talking and someone coughing. You knew exactly what was going on, and you were slightly excited.

You walked into the room and immediately saw Suna hitting a bong. You watched him take a long, slow drag. You watch the smoke fill up the chamber while he rearranges the beanie on his head. He takes the bowl out of the bong and inhales all the smoke, leaning his head back. You watched his adams apple bob and smoke spill out of his mouth. "Holy shit", you thought. "Hey Y/N!" Osamu shouted next to Suna. Suna quickly turned his head towards you and looked you up and down. "Hey guys" you walked over and sat down next to Suna. You listened to Osamus and Suna's conversation before saying, "Who's on the aux in here?" "I am", Suna replied. "Oh shit word, Arctic Monkeys is my favorite band" you said while reaching for the bong. Suna watched you with his low red eyes, "You smoke?" You hummed a "mhm" before putting the bong against your lips.

After some time, you and Suna left the backroom and out to the kitchen to find the others. Kita was still standing in the same spot from earlier, with the same guys. You walked up to him. "Jesus Kita, you reek of alcohol" Kita let out a slight laugh while passing you a beer. One of the guys that was standing with Kita, offered you a shot. You gratefully accepted it and downed it. You looked around to see that Suna went missing. "Huh, weird" you thought. "Where did Suna go?" you questioned Kita. "Not sure, I'll go looking for him."  Kita left to go find Suna, which just left you and that guy that offered you a shot. "I heard you're the new manager for their volleyball team" he said while taking a sip for his beer. "Yep.. I'm excited though" you replied. You turn around to peer over the counters to look for Suna in the crowd of dancing people. As you were scanning the crowd, you felt a strong hand grab your shoulder and turn you around. "I'm not done with you" the guy said with a smirk. "I-I uhm, what do you mean?" you asked, trying to remove his hand off your shoulder. The guy leaned in closer while you backed up, bumping into the counter. Before you knew it, a different arm snaked around your waist and you were pulled into a flat, muscular chest. "Let's get out of here" Suna's breath was hitting your ear and neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Where to?" you asked. "My place, parents aren't home for the weekend" "Alright, let me just text my grandmother saying I'm spending the night at a girls house" you said without realizing what just came out of your mouth. You were looking at your phone and you could feel Suna's smirk. It finally clicked. "OH! If you want me to spend the night of course, I'm sorry for assuming" you said, flustered. "Of course I want you to spend the night." Suna took your hand and led you through the crowd of people and car.

Suna opened his car door for you, "M'lady." You giggled, "Thank you." Suna closed the door and made his way to the drivers side of the car. While he was walking you took a quick glance around his car. Suna opened the car door, "Looking for anything?" he questioned as he sat down. "Nope! Your car is just surprisingly clean, I was expecting worse." A slight "tch" came out of his mouth while he connected his phone to the aux. ~ He started the music and put his phone down. He reached up into the glasses compartment and grabbed a blunt. He put the blunt between his lips and lit it. He took a hit before passing it to you. You grabbed it and smirked, putting the blunt up to your lips. You watched Suna put his hand behind your headrest and reverse the car. Suna put down his hood on his hoodie. You looked over while passing the blunt. He was such a pretty boy, how hot he looked with his low red eyes, how his hair flows out beneath his beanie, how his rings on his hands made his veins stick out more than usual. To be honest, you wanted nothing more than to be underneath him right about now, but that was for later. (wink wink). Suna reached over and put his hand on your thigh. You watched him tap his rings against the steering wheel to the beat of the song. You were internally screaming, so terribly excited to get back to his place. He pulled into his driveway and took his hand off your thigh, "We're here."


I'm so sorry for taking so long to update the story wjhweihfiwfhwf

I had 0 motivation lately because school has been sucking me DRY dude. Like not in the weird way or anything, I just feel like a fucking skeleton dude. Like I genuinely don't even wanna hangout with friends on the weekends because I would rather rest and try to get my energy back. I hope you enjoyed, I tried making this one a little bit longer because you guys deserved it. <3

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