Chapter 1

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Hello fellow readers and welcome to this book I have made called Group 9. I hope you will enjoy my new creation as Group 9 goes through a lot of problems in their school. Will their be any downfalls? Maybe or maybe not! I hope you will enjoy my book!



Of all schools I could've went to in had to be this!!!!! Wait how did I end up wanting to get into this school again?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back Flash~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Mai, I would really love it if you can go to Sacred Academy with me!" Jake said with his charming smile. Is it just me or does he look like he is an angel sent from heaven or something?

~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to Present~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Why did I fall for his charming looks? I asked myself as I stand in the front of Sacred High main building. Sacred High is a boarding school for students who will learn on how to improve their skills and build new skills. One of my skills is sword fighting actually. I just hope that I can get by without anything bad happening to me during the rest of my sad school year in this school. I mean I get to see Jake ad get closer to him. 

"Um are you gonna just stand their and stare?" a girls voice said. I look to the side of me to see who it is and I see a girl around my height, with light brown hair and dark brown eyes with a black long sleeve and a white shirt over it and some jeans and combat boots on.

"Oh I am sorry I will move along now" I apologies and looked back at her. 

"What is your name?" She asked me in a kind tone

"My name is Mai... I am a newcomer here" I said to her a little shyly

"Well hello there Mai, my name is Solar im a 3rd year here in group 17!" she said cheerfully

"Group 17?" I say questionally asking why is she in a important group or something?

"Oh group 17 is my group, you see everybody here is put into 20 groups for each grade. There is 10 people in each group, each having a different style of things to balance out each group. Sadly though you stick to this group for all the years you guys stay at this academy. Sometimes my team can get pretty annoying." she said the last part in an annoyed tone. 

"Solar get your annoying but over here already!" a person yelled from the distance. Solar rolled her eyes and stared at her. I look and see a clearly pissed of girl with long locks of black hair and viberating bright green eyes. She looked very boyish but what caught my attention was a cute little orange fox on the side of her. 

I run passed everyone in my way and hugged the cute little fur ball. The little one clearly confused on what is happening just stands there while her owner not so much.

"Hey kid what are you doing?" she asked me in a clearly pissed tone.

I clearly just ignored her while Solar rushed over to us. "Im sorry Kiri, my new friend Mai seems to like Kita a lot."

"You don't say" she scoffed, " and stop calling me that you weirdo, my name is Kiare not Kiri." she complained.

"But it suits you so good," Solar wined. 

"NO!" Kiare yelled

"Not until my last breath Kiri!" she said in a teasingly tone, "c'mon Mai we need to get you to the gym for your first day." 

I get up and pet the little fur ball and followed Solar their. There was many students and teachers here. I wonder what will my next chapter of my life will be this year...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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