First Day

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Lexi's POV

As I was getting ready for the switch, there was a knock on my door. I went to open it; I saw that it was Kaname and Hanabusa. Kaname had asked me to be in front of the class with him to lead the switch over from Day Class to Night Class. I felt like I couldn't say no, so I agreed, and that's how I found myself leading the class switch with Kaname. The gang of screaming day class students was getting on my nerves and starting to give me a headache. Kaname seemed to sense something was off with me and asked if I was okay. Before I could answer, Zero had said something to Kaname, which got the Night Class riled up. I saw Kaname nod to Hanabusa before he turned his attention back to Zero. The next thing I knew, Hanabusa was leading me to the school building. I wanted to ask what that was about, but I decided against it.

"Are you okay, Lady Lexi?"

"I'm fine, I... I'm just not used to all the noise."

"Lord Kaname is worried about you," Hanabusa said as I bit my lip. "It's not my job to know why, but it is my job to keep you safe."

"Kaname asked you to keep me safe?"

"Yes, Kaname told me to tell you and only you. Nobody is to know about this arrangement."

"I don't know what to say, Hanabusa. I truly appreciate what you're doing."

"Think nothing of it, Lady Lexi."

"I .... I-" before I could finish what I was going to say, the Night Class walked in.

"You alright?" Kaname asked me

"Yes, I'm, I'm fine; the noise was starting to give me a headache, but I'm fine, Kaname. Thanks for asking," I said as I smiled up at him.

"It's no problem," Kaname said as he wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "I'll always keep you safe. That's a promise" as soon as he said that, he let go. I just smiled up at him and walked to class with everyone.

Kaname POV

It was about time for the switch, so I went to check on Lexi with Hanabusa. When we got to her door, I knocked a few seconds later, she answered. I had asked her to lead the class switch with me, and she agreed. That is how we find ourselves leading the class switch. I knew from experience that Lexi wasn't used to the noise the day class was making. If I could shut them up, I would. When I looked over at her, she seemed to be in pain, so I asked her if she was okay, but before she could respond, Zero piped up and said, "Kaname, watch over her, will ya. She doesn't look so good." With that said, I nodded to Hanabusa to take her the rest of the way to the school building.

"She's no concern of yours, hunter," Ruka said as Hanabusa led her away.

"Why do you care, Zero? Is it perhaps that you see her as someone with authority over you?" said Kaname.

"I... You know what, Kaname, never mind," said Zero as he stomped off.

"What was that about Kaname?" ask Takuma.

"I don't know. I wish that I did," said Kaname.

"Where did Hanabusa and Lady Lexi go?" asked Akatsuki.

"I sent them on ahead. Lexi doesn't need to be around conflict, plus she's not used to all the noise the day class is making," said Kaname.

"Of course, Lord Kaname," said Akatsuki.

We walked on ahead to the school building.

Lexi's POV

After class, I decided to walk around a bit with Hanabusa. I wanted no I needed to clear my head after everything that has happened today. As Hanabusa and I were walking around, I started to hum something my mom sang to me when I was little (play song here). I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't stop them from falling. I jumped a little when Hanabusa put his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Lady Lexi ?"

"No, no, I am not okay. I...." I couldn't finish what I was going to say. I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. The dam finally broke, and now I had no one around to comfort me, or so I thought. Hanabusa surprised me by pulling me into a hug.

"You know this isn't something I would typically do, but you looked like you needed it," Hanabusa whispered in my ear.

"Thank you," I whispered.

We stay like that until my tears cease falling. I knew I needed to talk to someone, and while Hanabusa was "ordered to protect me" by Kaname, I still felt that he deserved an explanation or at least to know me other than being Kaname's friend and a Pureblood vampire.

"You alright now, Lady Lexi?"

"Somewhat. Hanabusa, I...."

Hanabusa blinked and looked around for what I didn't know until he said my name.

"Lexi, you look like you need to get something off your chest, and if that's the case. You can talk to me. I promise nothing you say will get back to Lord Kaname unless you tell him yourself, or I feel he needs to know. Even then, I will try to convince you to tell him yourself."

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Hanabusa. I needed to hear that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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