Contest Story

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I have always been one to capture moments through the camera of my phone. That way I could remember those moments for life.

It's probably because my mom was picture obsessed.

So, it's a no brainer that I ended up being that way.

I have always been a firm believer that a picture tells a story...

As the notification for the contest popped up on my phone, a huge smile immediately crept upon my face.

I searched my entire camera roll just for one special photo. What story could I even talk about?

As I scrolled past each of my endless pictures, a million memories started to flood my mind.

Then I stopped at one.

It's the dorkiest picture I have of myself, yet every time I look back at it I am reminded of the most pure and happy day.

I was at a time in my life where I could be happy without feeling guilty.

Because of this year, I haven't felt like I should have happiness.

It was a picture that my friend took of my boyfriend and I.

In the picture, I have the biggest smile on my face and I look like a total goof, but I was happy.

Completely and genuinely happy.

That day I fell through a pile of mud and ruined my clothes, but I didn't care.

After I fell, I got up and laughed until my stomach hurt.

This day and this picture, are a reminder for me to stay happy even if I feel as though I shouldn't.

The year 2020, has been a complete roller coaster of emotions.

Yet, no matter what happens, I can just simply scroll through my photos and my mood is instantly lifted.

I look at this picture and I am reminded of the horrendous hike we went on to get to this breath taking waterfall.

I look at the picture and think about how I was drenched with sweat.

I look at this picture and hear my soulmate's laughter.

I look at this picture and I feel the warmth of the summer.

I look at this picture and I am given a reason to smile still today.

Yes, a picture only shows a small sliver of a day, it can still hold so many memories.

That specific picture will forever be one of my favorites, no matter how goofy I look.

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