The sway house

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"where the hell have you been" Bryce asks calmly 

"out" I hiss "why do you care" 

"why do I care... cause I'm your brother" he hisses back 

"well you're not my daddy, so fuck off" I yelled 

"no cussing" he remarked 

" yes sir dad" I said sarcastically 

Josh, Anthony, Kio , Griffin came downstairs there was another boy who came downstairs , but I could barely see his face. Josh and Kio glanced at each other and smirked when they saw me , but Anthony and Griffin just waved at me and went into the kitchen. Josh sat on the left side of the couch and Kio sat on the right because Bryce was in the middle; the boy whose face I couldn't see sat on the couch near the couch Josh and Kio were on.

In the story Griffin is dating Dixie and Anthony is dating Avani. 

I sat on the couch across from the boy, trying to ignore the lecture I was about to get from my brother. Just as my brother was about to speak I caught a glimpse of the boy it was.... Jaden?. 

"Jaden?" I said surprisingly

" Jay is that you?" he asks just as surprised as me 

" wait you guys know each other?" Bryce questioned 

"yeah" we said in unison 

Josh and Kio gave jealous glances at Jaden, "how do you guys know each other" Kio asked. Me and Jaden gave each other the "make something up" look, "oh, we're just old friends" I replied , "yeah" Jaden confirmed. 


   Next day

I woke up today and did the usual routine for every morning.

I check my phone to see that I have a message from nick.

Nick - Hey u wanna come over ! 

You- ... ( this means you're responding) 

You- yeah! when? 

Nick- how about 11:50 ? 

I check the time and it is 11:20 

You- Yeah! see you in 30 minutes

I put my phone down and rush to brush my teeth , use the bathroom, wash my face, put on clothes ,do my make up and hair. 

This is your hair...

This is your hair

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This is your makeup...

And this is your outfit

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And this is your outfit...

And this is your outfit

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I get in the car and drive to the hype house  luckily I made it , but I was one minute late. I grab my phone and knock on the door; I thought nick was going to open the door , but he didn't some lady answered. I took one look at the lady and knew exactly who it was; it was someone who made me weak and hurt me, but looked so innocent that not even my friends see through her lies.

You - Mom? what are you doing here 

Mom - Your friend Nick invited me dear

She walked off into the house with an evil grin plastered across her face. I knew I had to get her out of here and fast; the only way to do that was to use my strongest gang. 

Be on the look out for the next chapter. It's gonna be amazing and full of drama. will the hype house and sway house find out about your gang? will anyone put the pieces together and see that your mom is evil? Will they know what she did to you? will your mom expose your secrets to everyone? 

Find out soon!

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