{Beginning} Origins and Seikatsu's Pov

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[ This story is fictional only, characters, names are made up and wasn't based of anyone living. Please Enjoy.]
[If you spot familiar characters from certain books, these are references or based on them.]
[By the characters commiting actions, it'll show this, /   / text, if a character is doing something, {}, as if for a option of saying something important in the story, and (), if the character is talking by their mind]
[Original Story by Taiki Yagami, Thank you, and Please enjoy! ^_^!]
Once was earth, before a 100 year timelapse of Demons and Monsters inhabitating the earth's surface, sky and ocean, everywhere you go, you cannot escape the essence of monsters, but... the Lone Survivors of this cursed world started governments,power and defense against the Monsters, thus creating the 6 Continents and our story begins... In the Emblemian Continent..
[The Vast Knowledge of Emblems]
One of the main weapons, created to fight against monsters, were Emblems, such energy preserved power to unlock different abilities, before the world was in vast destruction, Magic was discovered, leading to half of the human population to be punished by then Heaven God, creating [Crests] powers inherited by monsters to fight against the War Maniacs, such as Airships and Tanks, and from that day, Humanity swore to forget magic, and remember the word of god, that Humans shall not use such cursed items.. but some humans, never forgot of magic, thus leading to the creation of Emblems, the origins are somehow unknown, but we don't know till now.
{Origins of a Cursed Child}
Seikatsu Chikara, thus originating from the Vampire Clan, brought by The Vampire King himself, Alucard or Vlad Dracula, This clan is blessed with Vlad's godfather, Satan himself, but instead of peace, this clan inherited the art of war, Many troubles were blamed to this Vampire Clan, such as the Incident of the Ghoulings, ghoul halfings of humans, such disgusting creatures living in the forest outside the Aether Kingdom, but this story isn't about regret but rather a blessing or a curse...
[First Piece, Birth of the Cursed Child]
One day, Seikatsu went hunting for their only food source, Mushroom Beasts, this clan consists of Lower Vampires, Vampires that cannot inherit blood demon magic, instead the Higher Members do! And one of them is the father of the children in our story, we call him by Hi Chikara, Originating the name Hi, For "Flame".
{Hi Chikara}
"Seikatsu, I want you to collect as much, Mushrooms as you can, your mother's birth is due today, and as our only food source try aswell handling a feast for your next sibling"
/Seikatsu responded with/
"I'm very fine with that dad!"
/Seikatsu said with excited voice/
[Note] : Seikatsu's name means, Life, and his current age, is 9!
With excitement seikatsu visited his bestfriend and only friend, His Cousin, Kagiru Chikara, Originating the name, "Limited"....
/He politely knocked at their door/
"Yoo! Kagiru, you should wake up, today's mushroom business!"
/Kagiru opened the door to their house while wiping his eyes and said/
"What the hell are you excited at? It's like 6:00 am in the morning!"
" It's nothing personal, my new sibling is about to be born and I should make soup and a feast for mom, I wonder if he inherits my looks".
"That's a good reason but.."
"Oh come on, just come with me"
/Seikatsu pulled the early bird kagiru through Chikara Forest, home of the most mushroom beasts/
"Alright as always be swift and silent"
Little that the child knew, that Hunting Seasons was open, and a few hunters were out to hunt Animals, but not just animals, kill monsters too...
"I have a bad feeling about this, Seikatsu...., I think we should go home"
" Oh come on, it's just Giant Mushrooms, what could possibly hurt us?"
"Eizo, check this out, I hear bush sounds"
"Must be a wild rabbit.."
"But, I smell nasty blood.."
"Hey, suzuki don't get carried away even if it is a monster, don't kill it quickly"
The childrens eyes were pointed to collecting non monster mushrooms, and within a blink, a hunter appeared from the bush, and grabbed Kagiru's head, tearing it to pieces, hitting it on the ground..
"Hey, I told you to be calm!"
"Monsters are nothing but beasts, even as children, one day, they'll grow up, and eat our flesh sooner"
"You have a point, B-but you didn't have to smash it's head to pieces"..
Quickly as seikatsu ran, he didn't spoke a single word, till the hunters were out of his sight, he began to tell his dad everything about what happened, and his dad told the Clan aswell, everyone was astonished and sparked with fear, they didn't know that someone could stop fast regeneration of a vampire, that even lesser ones have..but back to that.. when Seikatsu checked the area with his dad, they're gone, they came back to the village only to see half of the Clan, killed, hanged their heads, and stabbed in the hearts.. such this day was so called a disaster, but it gave through the birth of Sosaku, named Sosaku for a slang of Original Creation, not to spread destruction, as Seikatsu's mom, died in the process of birth.....
{Present Day, Febraury 6 2147}
Seikatsu played outside with his brother but on that day, the Clan members were terrorizing their Mansion, and trashtalking the children.
{Clan Members}
Get out of here, you guys are the point view of evilness, the span of unluckyness, leave this place, Higher Vampires aren't monsters but Demons..that child is the curse.
"Dad, what are they talking about?"
{Hi Chikara}
"Seikatsu, I want you to run away, with your brother now.."
"Dad, what does that mean?!!"
{Hi Chikara}
"Run, just run"
{Hi Chikara}
/says random words, that trigger Sosaku unleash his blood demon/
{Hi Chikara}
"Take him, with you, far away, further away from this curse land"
{Blood Demon}
"As you wish, Young master"..
{Hi Chikara}
"Seikatsu being the only vampire to survive sunlight, do not comeback to this mansion, unless, you discovered the power of this cross, /Hi Chikara handed a Cross to his Unique Vampire son, and the blood demon carried Seikatsu away/
"Dad, what was this for?"
{Hi Chikara}
" A journey son, to discover your true self, and your brother's true identity".
After the brothers leaving, Hi Chikara is left at the mansion, against these angry vampires, as he screamed..
{Hi Chikara}
[Note Again] - I'll upload every week, Thank you for reading. ^_^!
[Next Chapter] : Michio Narukami, a Cold Heart will never melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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