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How are you guys doing? I hope you will always be fine and happy ^^


Jungkook let out a yelp as his hips made a contact with the desk in Yoongi's room.

"Hyung! Please stop!" Jungkook yelled, rushing towards Yoongi again, trying to stop his hyung while trying to endure the pain on his left hip. He was sure that it would be badly bruised.

Yoongi let out another wicked laugh before throwing his school books from his desk. Jungkook hugged him from behind, trying to stop him, but once again Yoongi shoved him away. The maknae landed on the bed, wincing when the pain shot from his left hip.

"I'm not the part of the family, you said." Yoongi laughed like a drunk people, throwing a book from his desk. "You're the one who not, you dickhead!"

Jungkook eyes widened when he saw his hyung is about to throw his laptop, quickly pushed himself from the bed and snatched the laptop from Yoongi's hands. The rapper laughed wickedly, looking at Jungkook with unfocused eyes before throwing a book to him. Jungkook barely dodge it, the book left a paper cut on his left cheek and he could feel blood dripped from it.

"Stupid dreams, huh?!" Yoongi asked, looking at Jungkook sharply before laughing like a drunk person, stumbling on his own feet. In his eyes, all he could see was his father's annoying face.

"You bastard!" Yoongi yelled, pushing Jungkook harshly, made the younger yelp in pain when his back hit Yoongi's wardrobe. "At least I'm not giving up like you, son of a bitch!"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi as the older threw his chair towards the wall, laughing like a drunk person before stopping on his spot, grabbing his head with both of his hands.

Jungkook panted as he looked at how Yoongi was stay still on his spot, his ragged breathing bounced on every wall in that room. He pushed himself from the wardrobe before approaching Yoongi, but halted on his track when Yoongi suddenly yelled and punched his own head.

"Why do you hate me?!" Yoongi screamed, punching his head over and over again. "Why the fuck do you hate your own son, you ungrateful piece of trash?!"

Jungkook was afraid to approach the older, but he changed his mind when a loud scream from the older surprised him.

The maknae tried to stop Yoongi from punching his head over and over again. Tears started to gather on his eyes as he saw his hyung's state. He didn't know what was the thing that made Yoongi lost his mind like that, but his worried wiped all the nervousness that he had before whenever he was around the oldest rapper.

"H-hyung! P-please!" Jungkook panted as he tried to stop Yoongi from punching his own head, trying to pull his hands but Yoongi was a lot stronger than him. Tears fell from his eyes, he hissed when it rolled passed his paper cut. Yoongi let out another scream, trying to pull his hands from Jungkook's strong grip. Jungkook said every soothing word that he knew, trying to pull Yoongi back to his right mind, but failed.

"You shit!" Yoongi screamed, yanking his hair. "You piece of trash! Ungrateful failed father!"

Jungkook sobbed as he tried to stop his hyung from hurting himself even further. His heart clenched at the sight, trying to bring his hyung back to reality, panting loudly as his body being swung here and there at Yoongi's brutal movement.

Yoongi let out another frustrated scream, yanking his hand harshly from Jungkook before punching the maknae straight on his left jaw, sending the maknae to the floor, a loud thud echoed as the back of Jungkook's head hit the wardrobe.

Silence draped over them as Yoongi froze in his spot. The punch that he threw towards the maknae earlier pulled him back into reality. He stared wide eye at the trembling Jungkook, looking at the growing bruise on the maknae's left jaw and the split on the corner of his lips, realising his mistake.

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