the beginning of the end (for Tankie at least)

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Ancap rarely called Tankie into his room for one of those "business meetings" since they both agreed on their hatred towards one another, one of the only real things they could say they agreed on, so he knew it must've been something that was important. Which is was. Or least ancaps definition of important which included how much of snacks each member in their house are that week to make sure no one was taking advantage of their made up NAP.

"what did you call me in here for," Tankie questions while stepping further into the tacky, but expensively, decorated room.

"Now, now, Commie can't you play a little nice, hm?" Ancap questions while shrugging his shoulders trying to appear nonchalant while keeping a smug look on his face.

"No. Not with you." Tankie crosses his arms to show he has little patience for ancap and his antics. He had promised anarchkiddy he'd play Xbox today and would prefer if ancap kept it short so he could do that.

"It's nothing much I want from you," ancap answers while again shrugging moving closer to Tankie, "its just that... you and ancom seem to be getting quite close, hm?" He starts to circle around the communist as if he was a predator ready to swallow his prey whole.

"I suppose." He raises an eyebrow and eyes the suited man suspiciously. "Is that all?"

"No, it isnt" ancap says and pouts his lower lip in mock hurt at Tankie trying to leave already. Though the expression is gone quickly as he grins with a smile just dripping with mal intent. Ancap was planning on dragging this out to both annoy and push Tankie but it seems he has to speed up his plan to keep him in his room. "You like quem don't you? And before you come at me with your stupid literal definition of like I don't mean in a platonic way. I mean in a like like way. Don't tru deny it, I know it's true."

Tankie stiffems, what, he thinks. I don't...I don't like anarchkiddy. Do I? No that's impossible. I simply tolerate him to help me destroy the bourgeoisie. Yup, that's it. Nothing else, right?

He feels like he can't move suddenly as his heart feels like it's beating out of his chest. He stays like that for a moment.

Thinking about all their interactions together and suddenly they make a lot more sense. He understands that feeling and warmth in his heart every time anarchkiddy agreed with him in an argument like he just won it.

Suddenly, he moves his feet without thought. He needs to be alone right now.

"I..." He stumbles for words as he grasps the doorknob. "I need to be alone with my thoughts right now."

As he hurries to his room he starts panicking which is very unlike him. He quickly slips into his room and slides down his door trying to catch his breathe and sort his thoughts.

Holy shit. I like anarchkiddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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