But, what does she feels?

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Yes. Every time I look at her everything around me disappears. When I talk with her, my day can go from a 0 to a 10 real quick. But does she feels the same way? Or am I making fool of myself?

I can't believe the days go through and this feeling just gets stronger, this attraction.

But not that attraction that you feel when you see someone that you perceive as pretty.

Is the attraction that you have when she makes you feel safe, wanted, happy, and the only think you hope at the end is to make her feel the same way.

And by that I'm not saying she is not pretty, because on the contrary she is more than that, she is just stunning in any sense, I even like what she perceives as her defects and what she has as insecurities, for me this are just characteristics that make her even more special and unique.

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