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Wire crept along the alley way. She jumped behind a bin once she had left the alley way. Sliding cautiously out of her hiding spot she looked around. No humans in sight. Wire sniffed the air. She saw a rat scammer to another bin a foxlength away from Wire. The black and white she-cat crouched down. The rats tail poked out from behind the bin. Wire leaped and gave the chase. The rat scampered quickly Down the street but Wire was faster. Giving her prey a quick bite to the neck. She suddenly saw another tail behind some cardboard. Wire slid her claws out. But the prey suddenly scampered away into a twoleg nest. Wire gave up. She already had her rat. She had proved herself a worthy hunter. Her mother would be mad but it was worth it. Wire crept back to the junkyard cats.

A/N: Wire is a kit in this part. This was basically about her sneaking out of her camp and catching a rat to prove she was ready to be a full member of the junkyard cats. Sorry if this was a bit confusing! Any way hope you enjoy!

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