AuthorTube Newbie Tag 2.0

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Crystal and Felicity answer the AuthorTube Newbie Tag 2.0 created by AuthorTuber, Jenna Streety. 

We would love to read your answers to the questions we answered. So we applied them to Wattpad and want you to leave inline comments with your answers.


1. What's your book's pitch? If you have multiple works, choose your favorite! 

2. If you were a book, how would you pitch yourself? 

3. What do you usually write? 

4. What's something you'll NEVER write? 

5. What's your goal for writing on Wattpad? 

6. What made you want to start writing? 

7. What's your publishing path? (Self publish, traditional publish, hybrid, haven't decided yet, or just write for fun?) 

8. What makes your stories stand out from the others on Wattpad? 

9. What's your biggest writing struggle? 

10. What's your best writing skill? 

Choose between questions 11 and 12! 

11. If you've been writing on Wattpad for a while, what's your best tip for Wattpad newbies? 

12. If you're new to Wattpad, what is your biggest Wattpad question? 

 13. Are you looking for any new Wattpad accounts to follow, what genre do you write in and what genre would you like your connections to write in?

 14. What are you most excited for to happen with your writing in 2021? 

Have fun and we can't wait to see your answers!!

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