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(Still editing but feel free to read :)
Hermione POV~
It was 2 in the morning and I was walking down the corridor with a half empty bottle of fire whiskey in hand. She loved early mornings like these when it was just her and her thoughts. But she did hate getting drunk all of the time. She told herself that she would stop, but she couldn't, it was to addictive and she loved they way she felt when she was drinking. Not so much the feeling after the drunken state but still it calmed her when she was the most anxious. To lost in her own thoughts She dropped the bottle of whiskey and It rolled down the hallway. I walked over and bent down to grab it, when I stood up that's when I saw him. Draco Malfoy. The dim witted little no good of a scum, standing right in my way. Of course he had to be here when I was drunk out of my mind. He looked different this year. Not so scrawny and evil as he was before. His hair was messy ; probably from sleeping, he was wearing an all black knitted jumper with black trousers and had only socks on. He had dark circles under his eyes (probably not sleeping then) his eyes so grey in the moonlight shining from the windowsill. He was tall, I mean he has always been tall but this year he was extra tall. He was skinny too, but not the kind of skinny to the point were you think there just made of skin and bone. He looked...kind of....nice.

Stop. NO. None of those thoughts tonight. You have a boyfriend.

He started to walk towards me. Slowly. "Isn't someone like you supposed to be in bed at this time of the night?" He said looking down to the bottle of whiskey in my hand. "Tsk tsk granger, getting drunk so late, very unlike of you granger." Unlike of me? Who does he think he is? My father? He dose NOT know anything whatsoever about me or my life.

"And how would you know what's like of me." "you know nothing about me." I said with annoyance while walking backwards at the acknowledgement that he was standing closer now.

"Oh, granger I do know some things. Like....how that little weasle of a boyfriend you have is cheating on you." He said, but then he stoped and looked at me. With a serious but still knowing face . " ohh but you already knew that didn't you?" He said with a smirk of victory on his face, finding out her boyfriends little secret.

"Your wrong" I whispered, my eyes starting to gloss at the up coming tears about to shed. I was scared at the possibility that he's already told everyone about her so called "perfect boyfriend" isn't who he said he is. Cheating on the golden girl. Merlin it would be everywhere, top head of the daily prophet! I bet you Rita Skeeter would be wetting her knickers at the thought of knowing that someone like her can't have everything perfect.

" I saw him. I saw you. You were watching him fuck Brown. You're face was the definition of a dark rogue wizard. I thought you would march into that classroom, blazing ears and all. But you stood there. And then you took off." He said, his face softening a little until going right back to the tight jaw and strong eyes. " I don't get it granger. Why just stand there and not make him confess of what he just did?" He said confused and angry with his arms now caging me against the wall. I could feel his breath on my face. I licked my lips which I know now was the worst idea I have ever had because his eyes darted to my lips and back up to my eyes. He was so very close to the point there noses could touch at any movement. I took a deep needed breath in through my mouth and looked up at him.

"Why do you care so much? Huh? Why care about someone you think so low off?" I asked, now as angry as he was. Letting only a single tear shed.

" No your right I don't care. Don't care about you or your weasle. So Fuck off then granger." He said, while he pushed of the wall and stalked off in the same direction he came from.

I stood there thinking of what just happened. Did Malfoy care about me?
No. No he doesn't , why would someone like him care for someone like me?

So without another thought I pushed off the wall and headed back to the common room.

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