Chapter 2

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"You're never getting her, Indo."

My Mom growled, covered in cuts and bruises; black hair a mess; green eyes fierce and determined, tied to a chair. She was talking to a man with black hair, one kaleidoscopic eye, one purple, and pale, milky skin. They were in a dark room, no windows.

"We'll see about that, Lilis. I have spies everywhere. We will have what we want, and nobody can stop us. Nobody can stop us, no elementalist, no faerie, no werewolf. I have the rest of the vamps on my side, most of the fire elementalists, and most warlocks, too. We will rule the world, all the prosaics under our rule."

And with a grin, the man made a gesture, and my mom flailing, in obvious agony, her screams like a knife to my stomach, and-

I snapped my eyes open, sitting up faster than a bullet, the bright light blinding me, and I hit my head on something, causing my already blaring headache to get worse.

"Ow. Prosaic, you have one hard skull." said an unfamiliar voice. As I adjusted, I scrambled back as far as I could on the soft bed, to the headrest. I would have stood if I could, but the girl was right next to me, sure to catch me before I could leave, and I was too weak to stand, to hungry.

When I got a better look at the girl, I realized she was the girl from the club- only in normal clothes now- gray sweatpants, a white low v-cut t-shirt. Her long red hair was in a braid over shoulder. Since I was closer to her this time and not full of green goo, I could tell she was my age, curvy, and was probably 5'7. She had pale, milky skin, long red eyelashes, and a face that contained almond eyes, a button nose, thin lips, and high cheekbones.

I looked around the room, which looked like a hospital, with white everywhere, and the antiseptic smell, though nobody was here, but two boys in the corner, looking at me and the girl. One was the boy from the club, obviously the girl's sister. Her looked about 16, six foot one, and exactly like his sister, in man form, but with lips that were slightly fuller, and the strawberry blond hair that was curly. The other boy was most likely not related to them. He was also 6'1, and looked exactly like the siblings, but with brown eyelashes, light brown curly hair, and had sea-green eyes. They were all extremely fit and muscular.

"Who are you people? Where am I? Where Is Bianca? Where is my mom? What's your names? Are you stalking me? What day is it? What time is it? What was that thing in my apartment? Why were you dressed in weird robes?" Panicked, I rapidly spitted out questions to them. Oh, God. Where was Bianca? Where was my Mom? Was Bianca with that man that had my Mom? What was happening?

"You're at the New York Proton. Question is, who are you? How did you survive the Rauclin Demons venom?" The guy with sea-green eyes glared at me, and I glared right back, determined to get answers.

"First off, my name is Amethyst, and that's all you're going to get until you answered my questions. What are your names? What's a proton? Are you talking about the part of an atom from science? 'Cause if so, I'm pretty sure we are not inside a proton, which is physically impossible. What's a Rauclin Demon? And where is Bianca and my Mom?"

The girl got up, holding her arms up in between me and the boy in the universal quit fighting gesture.

"Calm down, you two. First of all, I am Jinjer Anvis, That is my brother- she pointed to the boy who hadn't spoken yet, the golden eyed one- is Spencer Anvis, and that- she pointed to the boy glaring at me- is Ocean Loclean. No, we are not stalking you. You were able to see us at the club, which unless you were supernatural, you shouldn't be able to do. And supernatural's all have distinct features though, so we would have been able to tell if you were one. And you were surprised to see us in our hunting robes. We followed you out of the club to see how then you got you could have seen us, but then you ran off, and it sounded like you were in trouble, so we followed you. We don't know where your Mom or your friend is. We could only carry you with us, and since you were the one that we wanted to question, and were closer to dying than your friend, we brought you with us. Oh, and your bracelet has weapons on it- magical ones on it. Did you know that? Anyways, we went back for your friend, but by the time we got back, she was gone. Whether she was eaten by other demons, dragged herself away and somehow healed herself, or was taken, we don't know. We name sections of our... establishments, I guess you could call them, after different parts of an atom. We. Have protons in each continent of the world, which are the biggest establishments outside of our home country, Atlantis. The next are neutrons- they are the establishments that help run each country. Next we have electrons- they are the ones that are in each city, or area. The New York Proton rules over all of North America. Oh, and Atlantis is called the atom, because that is our centralized government, where all of the laws are made, where it is determined where each proton, neutron, and electron would be established, etc. We are Elementalists. We have a divine duty to protect this world from demons, that absolutely adore human as snacks. But, sadly, we are the more joyous snacks to them- which means that we are individually sought out and eaten as the most luxurious dish. Does that answer all of your questions, Prosaic?" As the girl finished, I was shocked- Atlantis was real? My friend, was eaten by demons?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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