Chapter 3.

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I sighed as I let the hot water hit my body. It was only 3 days into this camp and I was a wreck. I was tired, worn down and emotionally exhausted. Seeing Ukai everyday was taking its toll. Those past feelings made themselves known every time our eyes met, every time I saw him. Of course my feelings would still be there. I didn't deserve them though. I don't deserve him. Not anymore. I honestly thought I'd never see him again. Of course I wanted to see him again but I was petrified of how he'd react. My fears were confirmed earlier this week.

I sighed as I changed into my leggings and a tank top. I grabbed my headphones and keys. I needed a run. I don't care if I just showered. I need to clear my head. I walked out of my room, looking around to make sure I was alone. Our team came back to the rooms early since Bo was throwing yet another tantrum. I grinned to myself as I tucked my phone into my pocket after I hit shuffle on my workout playlist. With that, I took off. I needed to clear my head...

After a couple of blocks, I stopped to catch my breath. I was pushing myself way too hard. I needed to calm my body down before I keel over. As I was walking back, I see shadows walking toward me. I kept my head down upon passing the two strangers but felt an arm grab me and turn me around forcefully. A smirk appeared on this creeps face. He raked his eyes over my sweaty body. "Can you please let me go" I stated annoyed, trying to yank my arm back. His grip tightened as my nervousness sank in. "Well well, what's a pretty lady like yourself doing all alone on a night like this?" I cringed at his voice. "If you know what's good for you, you'd let me go now before my boys come looking for me." He laughed at my comment. "Boys, huh? You're that type aren't you? Always have them at your beck and call?" He licked his lips. It took everything in me not to gag. I yanked my arm back once more. I got free until his friend grabbed me. I looked at him in shock. "Mmm..I think we found a feisty one. This should be fun." He snickered in my ear. I gulped, shutting my eyes tightly as fear took over.

"What's going on over here!" My eyes grew wide as I heard his voice. "Oi, what's it to you! Is this one of the boys you were talking about baby?" He chuckled violently, his filthy finger grazing down my cheek. I flinched, trying to get him off of me. "Mister bad dye job?" He sounded like the joker with his loud obnoxious laugh. I looked towards Ukai with fear in my eyes. He ran over and pushed the men away from me, forcefully. "Oi, Coach! What's going on!" I saw a few kids come running towards us now. "You either get the fuck away from her or I'll break your fucking arms, ya hear me!?" Ukai shouted, venom dripping from his words. I was too shaken to even speak up. One of the boys held me behind his tall figure. I clung onto the back of his sweater, trembling, wishing I could make myself invisible. The boy with the orange hair stayed beside me as well, arms shielding me. "Tck..she ain't worth this shit. Have fun with her. She looks like a whore anyway." Ukai had to be held back by his teammate as the two creeps walked away laughing.

"I'm fine Asahi, let me go." Ukai instructed the boy holding him. Asahi let his couch go. "Daichi where is she!" The boy who was blocking me moved to the side, hands resting protectively on my shoulders, revealing my sobbing, shaking figure. I met Ukai's angry eyes which softened into sadness as he saw me before him. He sighed as he grabbed me, bringing me to his chest. My arms flew around his torso, holding him as close as I could. I was safe. He made sure I was safe. His head laid on top of mine as he rubbed my back trying to calm down my sobs.  "Boys, head back. I've got it from here. Thank you." He calmly stated as I heard the boys mutter their byes.

"Why were you out here all alone.." He asked softly. "I-I'm s-so sorry Keishin. I'm so fucking sorry." Fresh tears fell onto my hot face and his shirt. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. Please.." I pleaded still unable to look this man in his eyes. I was too afraid to see his pain, his anger towards me again. He sighed as he released my shaking body slightly, just enough to rest his forehead on mine. "(Y/N) took me a very long time to get over you leaving....but I could never get over you." He whispered. I choked back a sob trying so hard to contain my crying. To my surprise, I opened my eyes to look at his face. Being this close, I could see him so much clearer than before. The years have been good to him. He was..gorgeous, so handsome. He lightly wiped my tears away with his thumbs, caressing my face in his hands. I sighed as I released myself from his hold. "I should've never put you through that. I was stupid to ever let you go." I seemed to choke out as another sob slipped from my lips. My face fell once again, being the coward that I am and unable to look into his eyes. I felt his hands on my cheeks again, forcing me to look at him as he searched my eyes. "And I should've fought harder to keep you." I shook my head. No, no this wasn't on him! This was all my fault. I sighed not being able to speak anymore words. I love(d) him. He loved me. And I ruined it.

Ukai walked me back to my room, hands in his pockets, occasionally stealing glances at me. I had my arms crossed, close to my body out of shame and embarrassment. I felt disgusting. I just wanted to get back in my room. I wanted Bo. Bokuto was the only person besides Kuroo that knew about what I had done to Ukai. I never even told my aunt. The rest of the boys don't know. Although, I'm sure everyone knows something after all this.

"This is me." I said in a low whisper. My voice just did not want to be known. He looked at me in concern. "Will you be alright?" I nodded finally looking into his eyes. I seemed to search them before stopping myself. "Will you?" He seemed taken aback by my question as a small smile graced his face. "I think so." I nodded, thanking him. I waved as I closed the door behind me sighing heavily.

I pulled out my phone, which was on silent this whole time, cursing under my breath. Bo and Kuroo called and texted me so much! I sighed calling back my cousin. The phone barely rang as I heard Bokuto's loud voice full of concern. "Where the hell were you!! We came to your room to hang out and watch movies but you didn't answer! Then we hear from small fry that you were almost kidnapped and HE saved you!? What happened!!!" I heard Kuroo in the background asking if he was talking to me. I took a shaky breath. "I'm fine." Was all I could say.

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