How you two met

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Clarke- you met when she spared your life after setting off the fires in season 1

Octavia- your indras daughter

Raven- you had met on the ark and were friends

Harper- you met when you helped save everyone from Mount Weather

Lexa- you met when you went with Bellamy and Clarke to ask for peace

Luna- you met when you went with everyone else to see if she would take the flame

Echo- you met when you two were kids

Jasper- you met when he was captured in Mount Weather

Monty- you met when you were kids

Bellamy- you met when he saved you from the cages in Mount Weather

Lincoln- you met when you arrived at Arkadia

Finn- you met when they found everyone from farm station (let's pretend finn was alive when they did that)

Roan-you snuck out of arkadia and found him in the woods

Murphy- you met when he decided to go with Jaha to the city of light

Ilian- you met in The City of Light and met at Polis after it was destroyed

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