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I'm escorted into an unfamiliar dimly lit room with no windows, although there were curtains, and sit down on the middle of a big violette couch, in front of me was a large black wooden coffee table and another couch identical to the one i was sitting on. I look over to my left and look at the woman that escorted me in here from my room after i had finished getting dressed into one of my least favorite outfits in the world, an ugly yellow, sunflowery, fluffy, poofy, hideous dress, with matching shoes. And to top it all off my mother made me tie my hair back, as if i didnt already hate her enough she has to make her 18 year old daughter wear something so absured and tie her hair back!
I start to inspect the woman, i looked her over, her outfit was very plain, but her face was very striking, she's gorgeous i thought to myself, she was wearing a plain black suit but her makup was very eye-catching, she had on a very bright red lipstick and black sparkly eyeshadow with very thick black eyeliner. "Wow..." I say outload with out meaning to. She quickly looked over to see what i was so astonished by. So i quickly looked away. For the next 38 minutes and 50 seconds, and yes i was counting, we both stayed silent until my mother finally showed up, she strided in with her personal butler at her heels, almost running to keep up. She strides past me up to the woman who escorted me here, and started to talk to her as if i wasnt even here, "Elisa, did Anya give you any trouble?" She asks Elisa, im guessing thats her name, as if i wasnt even here, "no she was very facile." She said then looked over at me and smiled, she smiled i just couldnt believe it, someone who works for my horrid mother actualky smiled, i smiled back at her. I then hear the loud noise of the big heavy doors opening, i look over and see a boy about my age, he walked in with about as much grace as a flower, it was almost apawling.
He walks over to me, and i hastily get up to greet him, he takes my hand and kisses it as if im a princess or something, i mean come on would any princess ever wear a dress like this, he looks me up and down, "i love your dress!" He says enthusiasticly, i look down at my dress, is he kidding i thought slightly confused. "Exchse me?" I asked, just as my mother rushed over to greet him, "Prince Daniel, i see you and my daughter have met?" She says while also bowing ever so slightly. "Well not really" i said crossing my arms "I'm Anastasia, its a pleasure to meet you Prince Daniel, although i didnt know we were having company" i said with a curtsee "Yes you did, i told you that your new Betrothed would be coming so that the two of you could meet tonight, thats why i made you wear that beautiful dress!" My mother said as if she had actually told me, which she didnt, so i just decided to pretend that i forgot, "oh right, im just so forgetful, i apologize for that." I say curtseeing "I am so happy you could make it Prince Daniel" i say with a quick change of character, i have to at least pretend hes not completely repulsive or Mother will lock me in my room tonight and i wont be able to meet with Michael, although its not as if she knows ill be doing this because if she did she would be locking be in my room tonight regardless. "Oh you dont have to be so formal, just call me your highness" he says looking at me with a smile, which my mother obviously doesnt relize is fake because the next thing that comes out of her mouth is "Oh how sweet, Anya, isn't he sweet?" She says nudging me, i smile back at her, but when Prince Daniel wasn't looking I shot her an angry glare. what is wrong with her, i mean trying to set me up with some prince that cares about nothing but himself... Okay that may not be true but I don't care, I'm angry and I'm going to think what i want.

The rest of the night continued with my mother and Prince Daniel having a who's richer contest, and with the help of Elisa i snuck out to see Michael.
It was dark but i could still see were i was going. I hope im not late, i would feel terrible if i made michale wait. I run through towards the forest about 4 miles behind my house, i run past the hundreds of trees towards the middle of the forest where theres a small clearing, our spot. I get there and see Michael sitting in the middle of the grassy clearing on a blanket with a picnic basket, pillows laid everywhere, and candles lite in the middle of the blanket.
He looks over at me with starry eyes as i take a step closer "I cant believe this!" I say amazed. He gets up and practically runs over to me, pulls into his arms and kisses me. The rest of the night goes about the same way, until i had to leave.
Im sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around me when i try to get up, "don't leave!" He whines hugging me tighter. "But i have to, my mom will notice if i stay out any longer." I say trying to get out of his embrace, although to be honest i really don't want to. "Run away with me." He whispers in my ear, "yes" i answer.

The next morning i wake up on that same blanket, next to Michael's sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps.
"Awww." I whisper as i brush his out of the hair out of his eyes. Thats when his eyes pop open and a smile spreads across his face as he looks at me. "Ready to run away together?" He asks his smile growing. "Of course!" I answer a smile spreading across my face to. He kisses me, "then where should we go?" He asks "i don't care, I'm fine as long as I'm with you." I answer, kissing him back.

Later that morning as we start to leave for our amazing adventure, we walk past my house and i realise that this will be the last time i ever see this house, but who cares, that means i never have to be ashamed of being in love with ware-wolf, I'm free, finally!

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