dukes reason..

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Duke says: I just wanted a girlfriend. I'm sorry allisa. But we know each other for a year already.
Duke:will you be my girlfriend?..
Allisa: ..
1 year later
(Duke is 21 and you are 20)
AlLisa/y.n:Hush! 😐
Duke: haha!
30 years later.
Ur child is 30
U have a granddaughter
Duke is 51
You are 50
U guys have so much fun together👫.
U say to each other:I love our rings.
(They got married 20 years ago)
Allisa:I love you duke
Duke:I love you allisa. ❤

🌰The end🌰

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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