Chapter 1

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Five woke up in his bed. The familiar look of his ceiling looked down at him. He looked over at his clock, 6:00am flashed on and off. "Great, another day in paradis" Five said sarcastically. Five was one of the 6 members of the famous Umbrella Academy. Six superpowers teenagers fighting evil among the city streets. But there was a secret lurking in the hallways of the Academy, or shall I say person.

Yes. There was a seventh sibling of the Umbrella Academy. Vanya Hargreeves. Also known as Number 7 to her father. Also known as ordinary among everyone. Everyone except Five that is. Vanya was the only Hargreeves child with no powers, so growing up, she assisted her famous siblings in whatever they needed. Over time, Five started developing a crush on the shy sibling. It started off small, they would return from a mission more roughed up than usual and Vanya would tend to their wounds. Sometimes, Five would let himself get beat up more just so he could have Vanya stay close to him as she healed him. The two became close, and soon enough grew to be best friends.

Everyone in the academy had their favorites. Klaus and Ben were a recipe for disaster. Alison and Luther were practically attached at the hip. Diego was always the lone wolf in the family, except when it came to Grace, their mother. So it made sense how Five and Vanya found each other. That was 5 years ago though, now 18, all the siblings were old enough to do what they wanted. Five got out of bed and got dressed into his usual Umbrella Academy uniform. Today his siblings would be having a family meeting with Grace, Pogo, and most intimidating of all, Reginald. The topic of this family meeting? What everyone is gonna do now that they are of age.

Five walked out of his room down the long hallway, passing all his siblings doors. He heard the faint sound of a beautiful melody coming from Vanya's room. He peaked inside and saw that Vanya was playing her violin with her eyes closed, as if she was dreaming. Five leaned his head in and the door made a creak. Vanya opened her eyes with a shocked expression on her face."Five! I didn't hear you come in!" Vanya said smiling. She had grown up to be a very beautiful young woman. Slightly wavy hair, gorgeous smile, short, but slim. Yes, she was beautiful, but she had big brains. All those years being cooped up and having a cyborg teach her everything she knew, not to mention a library with every book really came in handy.

"Sorry for interrupting Vanya, I'll leave you to-" Five started.

"No no don't go. It's uh fine" Vanya hastily responded and put her violin away in its case and shoved it under her bed. She smoothed out her skirt and pushed a lock of hair out of her face behind her ear.

Five loved it when she did that because he could admire her face.

"You're up early" Five said.

"Yeah, I try to get a play in before the house gets too loud to hear myself think. I hope I didn't wake you" Vanya quickly added.

"No no, it's fine. I was already awake"

There was an awkward silence between them, until Five cleared his throat. "Well since we're both up. Want me to make some coffee and the sunrise on the roof?" Five said scratching the back of his neck.

Vanya's heart fluttered and started beating fast, but in her stomach, butterflies formed. "YES. I mean-yeah sounds cool" Vanya composed herself. Five returned her statement with a smirk that made Vanya's knees wobble.

"Great, meet me at our usual spot in 5 minutes" Five said and teleported down to the kitchen.Vanya chuckled to herself and walked out into the hallway and up the stairs to the roof. The two teenagers have been meeting there for as long as she remembered. It was their "secret place".Vanya sat at the edge of the roof with her feet dangling off. The crisp morning air made her slightly shiver, but she knew she would warm up soon enough when Five got there. You see, the young woman has had a certain "crush" on the superhero for a while now.

Vanya spoke 8 languages, including Latin, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, English, and African. Yet whenever she was around Five, she could barely say a full sentence, in any of those languages. Not even moments later, Five teleported with two coffee mugs in his hands.

"Thank's Five, did you add-?"

"Splash of milk and two teaspoons of sugar" Five responded drinking out of his own mug.
Vanya blushed."You remembered?"
"Well of course I did..." Five started. "How could anyone drink something that sweet? It's no longer coffee"

"Well everyone knows that their coffee order represents their personality" Vanya simply responded

Five nodded until he realized what his coffee order was. Black and bitter.

"Wow Vanya. Real mature. How old are you again? 8?" Five said back.

Vanya rolled her eyes and took a sip of the steaming beverage in her hand.

"So, how do you think this meeting will go?" Vanya asked.

"No clue, I have no idea if people will stay or go" Five responded

" have any idea what you want to do?" Vanya asked, scooting ever so closely to Five.
Five hesitated, of course he wanted to take Vanya and run away as far as they could, but what if she liked the academy and all those books? Whatever she chose, as long as it was with him, he'd be content.

"Nope no clue, I was kinda waiting on whatever everyone else did"

Vanya nodded and the two sat in silence as the sun came up. The morning smell filled their lungs as they took deep breaths. Vanya looked on and watch the sunrise from a distance. "The sunrise is so beautiful" Vanya stated staring into the view.

"Yeah it is...beautiful" Five said, not looking at the view, but Vanya. He looked down at his watch and saw that the time was almost 7:00am.

"Come on, we better go, the meeting is starting soon" Five said standing up.

Vanya sighed, she wished she could replay that moment over and over again. Her and Five alone drinking coffee watching the sunrise.

Now, the rest of their futures lie down in the living room of the academy and she had a feeling that whatever happened down there...

Would not be as peaceful as the last hour of her life was.

Hey guys, thanks for reading chapter 1 of this crazy collaboration. Check out chapter 2 on @Dunclet4EverASOUE account

I'll see you all in the next chapter!!


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