My boyfriend

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The next morning I went on a run listening to my boyfriend music he in big time rush

We were having a date tonight

I went hone to take a long shower and to cry

I put on my sexiest dress ever

Excuse me where you going

I'm having a date

With who

My boyfriend

How long have you been going out

Like month

I'm sorry to say I'm not letting you go


Especially how you been feeling lately I don't want you to get hurt

He kind gentleman who care for me He the one who saved me from suicide the night my dad was arrested

He good guy


Have fun and be safe



I hugged him

We went out for dinner

How you feeling after everything

I'm doing okay but not mentally well

I'll fix that he looked at me like you wanna do the nasty

What going on with your dad

He in prison waiting for trial date which either life in prison or death penalty


I'm still numb from it

Yeah it hard

I can't sleep like use too

I have the worst dreams ever I'm mean I sleep deprived myself from sleep to afraid to sleep in fear he going to kill me

You dad locked up

I know but it my mind playing tricks

Ring ring


It past 10 pm

I don't care for the first in a long time I'm not afraid so goodbye

I love you

Every says do it when actually means it

I hung up the phone

Who was that

My micromanaging uncle

I'm actually feeling better with you

Oh stop it

We went back to Kendal place for some much needed time together

Kendal moved his body closes to my he undid my bra and kissed my lips. He lifted his shirt his chest was rock abs. He laid me down and kissed up and down my body. Then we were so exhausted we feel asleep on each other. I finally have warm chest to sleep to protect me.

Early the next morning

Hey babe

Hey sweetie

I better go home

I'll drive you home

My uncle was sitting on his porch

You finally come home after I set a curfew

I'm sorry give me a break especially after all the shit I gone through I finally had someone who loved me

Let me see I open my house for you

I mean physically touch

Okay pretty boy if ever hurt my goddaughter I'll fucking hurt you

Hey don't threaten him

Hey wouldn't I don't want what happen to you

He a good guy he won't hurt me I promise you that

Amanda please go inside

Omg why can't I have normal people in my life who aren't ridding my ass for everything little thing I do on my fucking life

Hey I'm protecting

Stop micromanaging my life I understand you don't want me to get hurt but laid back

I won't be laid back I don't want you to be killed by anyone

Know I'm begin accused of having serial killer

No I mean I don't you to be used anymore for sexual pleasure

I promise Kendal a good guy he wouldn't hurt me or anyone

I think you little jealous I have a boyfriend and you can't date

Am not

Sure okay buddy you go pondering with that I'm taking a shower

Hey you roasted me

I took shower and I fell asleep on the couch

My sweet girl is asleep because of exhausted from sex probably

How do you know that

I'm just guessing

How you feeling

Happy for first in while I don't have my dad beating on me anymore and I have boyfriend who cares for me

I'm glad

Your grandparents called today

What happening

Your grandfather on the hospital


Heart problem

Oh great now my life awful again I started crying

Come here I cried into his chest

He strong he will get through it

I know but just the thought of him begin 95 in the hospital scared me

Yes it frightens me

Can we first him

Yeah why not tomorrow morning

He kissed my forehead and I went to bed

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