at Mariah and Randy's house

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once upon a time there was a gorgeous couple named Mariah and Randy Jackson and you know that they was dating each other and Joseph Jackson Randy's dad did not even want them to be together
Mariah - tells Randy hey randy how was practice with all of your brothers
Randy - tells Mariah it was the best ever mariah and i was having a whole lot of fun and you know that mani was walking with lat inside of the Recording Studio and didn't even want to be with Jackie anymore and was wanting to be a Stone and not be a Jackson anymore and not be part of the Jacksons and mani wants to have custody of Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jalyzn and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and keeping her distance away from Jackie with her and Jackie's babies
Mariah - tells Randy i know right randy and mani can be doing that and since you know that is her and Jackie's babies and i will always be relaxing and hanging out with her and whenever i want to and me and her always be getting along with each other
Randy - tells Mariah we need to talk mariah
Mariah - tells Randy about what randy
Randy - tells Mariah my dad doesn't want us to be together anymore mariah and he's thinks you using me for my money
Mariah - tells Randy okay randy i'm going to move out and go live with my parents in Los Angeles California
Randy - tells Mariah okay mariah
back at Hayvenhurst in Encino California
Randy - walking inside of Hayvenhurst from what happened to him and Mariah
Michael - seeing Randy's face and was wanting to be knowing what happened to him and Mariah and was about to be asking him what happened
Joseph - walking downstairs smirking
Randy - tells his brothers what Joseph was telling him to do and mariah
Jackie - walking inside of Hayvenhurst from trying to be getting back with sexybae after you know that he was cheating on her with Pauline Williams and was wanting to be with sexybae
Jermaine - seeing Jackie's face after trying to be getting back with Normani
Hazel - seeing Jackie's face after trying to be getting back with manibear

Randy - seeing Jackie's face after trying to be getting back with mani
Janet - seeing her brother face after trying to be getting back with mani

Jackie - still thinking of ways to make sexybae forgive him for cheating on her with a random girl

Joseph - tells his and Katie's sons that he can be relaxing and hanging out with a whole lot of them today
Jackie - tells his brothers i have to try to make sexybae forgive me and cause you know that i was cheating on her with Pauline Williams and which she's a Lakers girl and i still want to be happily married to sexybae and not divorced her and staying with y'all when i can be staying with sexybae and our babies and a lot of our puppies and still being happily married to sexybae
Randy - tells Jackie yep jackie you have to make mani forgive you and since you know that you was cheating on her with Pauline Williams
Katie - tells her and Joseph's boys i'm going to go be relaxing and hanging out with Normani and Brandi and Siggy and Nalani and Jalyzn and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and have a sleepover with them
Hazel - tells Katie can i please come with you momma katie and i want to be seeing manibear i need to be catching up with her
Jackie - tells his mom hold up mom where do you three think you are going to go i want to know
Janet - tells her brother i'm going with them jackie and i'm going to go be relaxing and hanging out with Normani and Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jalyzn and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and Latoya which Normani still me and Latoya and Rebbie and Johvonnie's favorite sister in law

Jackie - tells his sister oh ok janet i didn't even know that

Janet - tells her brother ok jackie

Hazel - tells Jackie me and momma katie and Rebbie and Johvonnie going to be at you and Normani's house in Westlake Village California and Normani loves to hang out with us ladies and since we are always there to be relaxing and hanging out with her
Jackie - tells Hazel oh okay hazel

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