Prologue, Chapter 1: Experience

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In the next few days, I discovered some other things about my power, and I also researched games as a whole. It seems that my ability is based on roleplaying games, and it has all of the common features that those sorts of games show. There was even a quest system, as I found when we went to complete missions. But, they gave paltry rewards, even for me, a level one character. I suppose that was because they were D-ranks. I couldn't really expect them to make me rich and powerful, not when all the quest was is to paint some old man's fence. One good thing I noticed, though? I got double payout for missions. The quest rewards and the payment from the village for completing the mission were entirely separate. It didn't look like money would be much of an issue once I really got going, so that was nice, at least. What wasn't nice? It'd been a week, and I'd barely improved.

Name: Haruno Sakura
Class: The Gamer
Level: LV 1
HP: 100/100
MP: 50/50
STR: 11
VIT: 5
DEX: 7
INT: 26
WIS: 10
LUK: 10
Points: 0

I suppose that could have to do with how little I was training. I'd thoroughly tested, and I knew now that I didn't have to sleep if I didn't want to. That gave me a whole extra 8 hours to train, effectively multiplying the size of my day by one and a half, but... I wasn't using it. I was just spending the time reading, and while that had helped, seeing as my INT had risen... I could be doing more. Right now, I'm only training with my team... But oh well. I'm still a genin. I won't be getting into any super tough fights for a while. I can keep on like this. My skills haven't really improved much, either... Actually, wait! I did get a new one, though it wasn't mentioned with any fanfare or anything.

Chakra Enhancement (Active/Passive) LV 1 EXP: 63.57%
The manifestation of one's physical and mental halves. A power that allows mankind to break through their limits and become truly powerful. Stat increases depend on the amount of MP.
Passively increases STR by 30%.
Passively increases DEX by 30%.
Passively increases VIT by 30%.
Passively increases INT by 30%.
Passively increases WIS by 30%.
Additional 30% increase to STR when activated.
Additional 30% increase to DEX when activated.
Additional 30% increase to VIT when activated.

I noticed I had it when I was checking my skills just yesterday. It just seemed to be the effects of chakra on the human body in skill form, so really, I've had it since I activated my chakra when I was a kid, it's just documented now. And of course, its effects become stronger as my chakra does. Simple, really. But, speaking of chakra... It's felt... weird, ever since I got my power. Not in a bad way, it's just... different. Before, it was... natural, I suppose? It was my body's latent energy made manifest, but just flowed through my body naturally, like blood in the circulatory system. But now... it doesn't flow, as much as it just permeates my body. My control over it is better than it was before, and I can feel the power right beneath my skin, a pool of energy just waiting to be unleashed. And somehow... I feel as if I can do so much more with it than I could before. The feel of it is so different, it's as if... as if it's a completely different type of energy entirely. But that's impossible... right?

I was so absorbed in my thoughts, I slammed into someone as I was walking. They fell back, and I instantly went to help them up. "Oops, sorry... Wasn't looking where I was going."

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