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With a title like this people are bound to click. But this is no click-bait, oh no no no. This is to explain FNaF lore once again. There is no logical way that Glitchtrap is William Afton. This is the common theory; While William Afton was still alive, he experimented with remnant. He did an experiment where he infused some of his remnant with computer chips or code. Eventually Fazbear Entertainment found these items and thought they were safe. They used the chips/code to cut corners and save money in the VR game. This caused a copy of William Afton to be in the game. Here he has the ability to copy himself (or connect himself) to other people's minds and talk to them. This happened to Jeremy and it drove him to insanity. Then along came tape girl. She split up Glitchtrap in the tapes. After this she dipped. Then we, the player, came along and put him back together (FNAF reference lol). Because of this, William connected himself to our mind. Thus, the birth of Vanny, our reluctant follower. But you know what? This is completely and utterly UNCORRECT. While parts of this theory stand true, the bulk of it is false.

Evidence piece Number 1: Glitchtrap's voice is Vanny's voice sped up.

If you speed up Glitchtrap's voice lines by 300% and you compare them to Vanny's voice in Help Wanted and in the Security Breach trailer, they are a dead ringer for each other. How is this possible? We've assumed that we play as Vanessa in Help Wanted. If we truly did, then Glitchtrap wouldn't have her voice until he took hold of her.

Evidence piece Number 2: Vanny's mask.

in the VR game. Vanny said that, "I made it myself." We know that she made it in real life. This much we know from the Security Breach trailers and teasers. However, one question still remains. How did she make it in the game? The protagonist is a beta tester, not a designer. The argument that can be made here is, "But Tape Girl made the tapes and the room for the tapes." While this is true, do you really think that Fazbear Entertainment would really take another chance with a beta tester? No. Not after Jeremy and Tape Girl. She'd clearly be under closer surveillance. Vanny also said that, "Nobody suspects anything." Do you really think that Fazbear Entertainment wouldn't think it suspicious that their beta tester is making a Bunny mask to put into the game for no reason? After all, Fazbear Entertainment has dealt with William for years. I'm sure they'd have at least some suspicion. The only other way that this mask could be in the game is if it was made from the inside. But that doesn't make sense. Why would William Afton make a mask for himself when he can't even use it? After all, Vanny did say that she made it herself. But here's the thing, it does make sense, that is, if Vanny is the one in the game.

Evidence piece Number 3: Fazbear Entertainment's statement.

At the beginning of the game, Handy Unit says, "Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for accidental digital consciousness transference, real-world manifestations of digital characters." Fazbear Entertainment knows that these are real risks that can happen. This isn't a throw away line, this is a genuine liability statement. The idea is that William attached himself to Vanny, not swapped places. However, according to this, they should've swapped places. But we know this isn't true. Why? Because William Afton is... Wait a minute. If Glitchtrap is Vanny then that means that there was a digital consciousness transference. That means Fazbear Entertainment is not liable under their terms, where-as if it was a consciousness attachment, they would be liable. If Fazbear Entertainment is good at one thing, it's avoiding lawsuits. Vanny swapped places with the protagonist. Now going forward lets assume that Vanny is 100% Glitchtrap. There are a few unanswered questions left over. I'll answers them.

How did Vanny get into the game in the first place then? ; It's simple. This may be a stretch, but it fits really well. Vanny is an AI. She was coded by William Afton with the purpose of continuing his work. This is actually confirmed by two things. One, Fazbear Entertainment's Liability Statement. They say, "real-world manifestations of digital characters." They know there is a risk of a digital character getting out. And this digital character? Vanny. Two, In the Security Breach trailer, her voice glitches. She says what she did was just a glitch. How could a human glitch? It's simple. They can't. Vanny isn't human. She was the malicious code on the chips that Fazbear Entertainment used.

Who is she talking to in the VR game and in source code? ; This one is the more loose portion of the theory. There isn't much evidence here. It's most likely William Afton, however I'm not sure how. I know that it has something to do with remnant, but is the remnant a copy of William Afton, or a means of linking William Afton and Vanny? As we know, there is a huge theory gaining traction that William Afton is still alive, and that Ultimate Custom Night is a never ending nightmare put on by Golden Freddy. (As a side note this is almost confirmed by Nightmarion's line, "This is a nightmare that you wont wake from.") Could it be that while trapped in his nightmare that he is talking to Vanny via the connection to his soul the remnant provides? Either way we know that the William Remnant is attached to Vanny Herself. However, this portion is mostly speculation, but it would make a lot of sense if it were true. We don't know much else until Security Breach comes out.

What about Jeremy? How did he kill himself if Vanny can only do digital consciousness transference? Wouldn't that kill her too? ; Alright I'll be the first to admit that Jeremy is the outlier in the situation, however we don't know if Vanny can't do both. Maybe she just uses the digital consciousness attachment for people she wants to off, and uses the digital consciousness transference for people she want to use as a body suit. But again, this is mostly speculation. We don't know for sure until Security Breach comes out.

So there it is; My theory of why William Afton is not Glitchtrap. I think the fanbase should work to do ourselves a favor and solve the lore with each installment of the games so we don't back up the system like with the last Five Nights at Freddy's Saga. Thanks for reading!

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