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(Warning : this might be rather sad)

Chris came out of the med wing with bandages wrapped around her midsection and upper arm with a short sigh. She had just finished arguing with the medic that had been taking care of her. Chris absolutely refused to stay in the med wing for proper recovery. And the medic wasn't to happy about that. They ended up saying something along the lines of 'not taking proper care of yourself'. The medic did finally decide to let Chris go, but not before demanding that she come around at least once a day for her wounds to get checked. Chris walked through the halls, occasionally passing by other rhgs.

Honestly, the medic was kinda right. Chris didn't really take care of herself. No one knew how many times she had pulled all nighters on the training deck. Or that she's been bottling up her emotions for the past six years, refusing to let them show. She reached her room and shut the door before making her way to the desk she had. Chris leaned her weapon against the wall before taking a seat. She slouched a bit in the chair. 

It did hurt a bit due to the wound on her side, but she didn't care. Chris was too busy staring at a framed photo to even notice. The photo was that, of her family. After another moment of staring, Chris sat up and gently pulled the picture closer, examining it. The white areas had slowly turned a light shade of yellow due to age, and the glass was slightly cracked here and there. The wood frame itself even had a few scratches. But Chris didn't pay attention to that. 

She looked at the stick figures in the photo. The tallest was a grey stick figure who had electric blue eyes and a light brown goatee, with hints of a mustache. A slightly smaller stick figure stood next to him, her color being a light blue. Her eyes shown with a deep sea green. There were two kids between the two. One, the smaller of the two, looked like a younger version of Chris. The other, who was a bit taller, was a dark green stick, his eyes the same as the black stick figure. 

The grey stick was Chris's father, Grey. The woman next to him was Chris's mother, Katrina. And the young boy beside Chris was her brother Jamal. Chris's mind suddenly went back in time to the night, the moment, that changed her life. The night that made Chris choose to become a fighter. The night she witnessed the destruction of what remained of her family.


Young Chris hid behind a window in the backyard, tears streaming down her face as she watched what was going on inside the living room. Her mother and brother were both on their knees, with their hands tied behind their backs. The two were surrounded by stick figures with guns and Umbrella Division helmets. One person, who had a scythe, looked like he was talking to his two prisoners. Chris's mother made her leave the house, with instructions to run away as fast as she could. Katrina had even given Chris a weapon that she once used. The bow that could change into a staff, or a nun-chuck like weapon. 

Jamal was supposed to go with Chris, but the Division had already stormed into the house before he could put one foot out the back door. So, here he was, now a hostage with his mother. The scythe person had a mask on, and their back was facing the window. It looked like the person took off their mask, and Chris saw the looks on her mother and brother's faces turn from fear and anger to sheer shock and horror. It looked like they were yelling at the person, who simply laughed it off and snapped their fingers. All of the Divison guards aimed their guns at Katrina and Jamal. And they all fired at the same time. 

Chris's eyes widened. It was like she was paralyzed with shock and grief. She could only watch helplessly with tears rushing down her face as the bodies of her brother and mother hit the floor.

-end of flashback-

Chris's mind snapped back to the present and she quickly became aware of her blurry vision, something warm running down her face multiple times, and her heavy breathing. Chris tried to quickly wipe the tears away while setting the photo back in its place, but more tears kept taking the previous ones places. She struggled to regain control of her emotions, which were running wild. It was the events of that night that drove Chris to become a fighter. She wanted to avenge her family by taking out their killer. And by helping Nemesis take down the Division. After a few minutes of deep breathing, Chris managed to stop her tears and get her emotions under control. 

She then spent another few minutes with a bit of deep breathing to make sure she had her emotions under control. After that, she realized just how tired she was. She turned out the lights and hit the bed. Chris slowly drifted off to sleep, not realizing that she was being watched. Outside of her room, Umbrella, as quietly as he could, closed the door. He had basically stalked Chris from the moment she left the medwing. And he did quietly open the door to her room just enough so that he could see her. 

Umbrella had witnessed her break down, and for some reason, he felt an urge to just go in there and comfort her. But, knowing Chris, she would have probably just told him to go away and leave her alone. So, he simply ignored that urge. Umbrella made his way to his room, deep in thought. He and Chris had a lot in common. Like the fact that both of them had been affected in some way by the Umbrella Division's cruelty. And the fact that both of them were seemingly emotionless. 

And the fact that, when they thought they were alone, they would occasionally break, giving in to the emotions that they bottled up. That strange, butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling came back, and it was a bit stronger. Umbrella still had no idea what it was, but if it continued and got even stronger, then he might just have to consider going to Alfa to talk about it...

Umbrella x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ