Captured by a Demon's Heart 11

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SORRY it's been almost 2 weeks since I uploaded this story...Anyway what are your opinions on this story and the characters? I'm curious and yes I know curiosity killed the cat...poor cat ),:


+++Chapter 11+++

I can't believe Sazul mindlessly followed instructions from a random website on Google. No, wait I can believe it. He's hopeless.

"He's a smart dude." Hez muttered sarcastically.

"Smarter than you."I teased, but it was obviously not the right thing to say because Hezley scowled so darkly it reminded me of a demon. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and chose to just eat the eggs Sazul made.

"Is Raley here?" A slick voice questioned and I shivered. It was another demon, Akiin really is after me.

"Me no speak English." Sazul replied in a fake accent, I snorted and had to hold back my laughter. What an idiot!

"Sazul, my dear friend, cut the crap. Where is she?" The voice spat spitefully. I was debating on whether to let Sazul make an idiot of himself or go check what other demon Akiin sent.

"No speak English."Sazul repeated but with hatred evident in the words. Suddenly there was a crash and hissing. This time Hez and I ran to the living room to see Sazul dusting broken glass pieces off of him. The other man present was another Hwic demon. His blonde hair was silver matching his metallic blue eyes.

"Ah there's the beautiful Raley." It greeted me, its voice sinister. I sent him a dirty look and sent Hez a look telling him to get weapons.

"What do you want?"I asked, already knowing the answer.

"It is not what I want, but what my master wants and that is you."He walked closer to me, raw meat reeked from his breath.

"Leave her the hell alone." Sazul spat, appearing at my side. His auburn eyes were glowing angrily and he took a protective stance in front of me.

"Sorry, but I was ordered to bring her to Akiin and if I have to kill you, I will most certainly will." The creature replied, twisting a nasty smile. Sazul hissed, I looked to my right to see Hez was back and had my blade in his hand. I smiled grimly and took it.

I pushed Sazul aside and stood in front of the foul thing."Bring it you ugly piece of crap." I smirked and it began shaking with anger. Its jaw stretched nastily, its anger was bringing the true him out. It hissed, its blue eyes wild, shifting from blue to red.

"I'll make sure I kill your dear friends girl." It threatened maliciously and I shrugged carelessly.

"Not if I kill you first." I sang and made my blade dance in the air. The creatures eyes shifted to red,its blonde hair was turning into a muddy black. I smiled confidently and flicked my wrist, the blade sliced the air and soon slashed its jaw. Black blood oozed out and swam down its face. It began shaking uncontrollably in anger. Akiin was stupid for sending a Hwic demon; they never control their temper and then act recklessly. They were almost always and easy kill, if prepared. Last time I wasn't prepared, this time I will make sure it's an easy kill.

Its peach,soft skin peeled off, revealing yellow cracked skin. Its blue eyes became permanently crimson red, Its lips turned black along with its hair, the teeth grew into brown canines. It began snapping its teeth and gurgling its saliva.

I sighed in exasperation, I wanted to kill it already and go back to sleep. Sazul sent me a worried look that I ignored,Hez sent me the same one. Jeez, don't they have faith in me? The demon pounced at me and I swung my metallic blade, it easily hacked off the creature's hand. This blade was blessed by an angel; yeah I thought it was bullcrap too, but somehow it easily slices demons, who are meant to have the roughest skin.

It howled in pain and frustration. It's black blood stained the beige carpet. I frowned, I'm not cleaning that.It tried to bite my shoulder, but I easily deflected its crap stained teeth and slashed its throat. It began coughing out black blood and it roared, shaking more. It was a mindless demon, completely controlled by its emotions.

It swiped its claws and I easily dodged them. I rolled my eyes, this one was just too easy. Why would Akiin, King of demons, send such an easy demon to fetch me? Did he think I was incapable of killing such amateur demons? I have to say I'm offended. It charged at me again and this time I went for the final blow, I struck its black, ugly heart.

It's red eyes pierced mine as it took its last ragged breath. I felt as it's heart turned to ashes inside of him, I slipped my sword out and watched as Hez shot a fire arrow at him. The flames ate him and he shook now in fear. Soon the only evidence that he was ever here was his black blood on the carpet. I grimaced, I'm still not cleaning that. I'll make Sazul do it. Hey, he had to be useful for something.

I turned around to meet Sazul's intense gaze, I raised an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat" Your hatred shows in every swing you take." He told me and I shrugged. I hated demons and I didn't care if it was that obvious.

I passed Hez my blade and he cleaned the remains off of it for me. I sighed and threw myself on the couch." Sazul if you clean the rug, I'll go on another date with you." I suggested and he chuckled.

"Very tempting, but you already said you would go on one if I made you guys breakfast." I groaned and sunk deeper into the couch." But I'll clean it since you seem tired." His voice softened and my eyebrows shot up.  That was such an undemon thing to do and yes I just made up that word. I hated to admit it, but his heart was reeling me in. I frowned and shook my head from any further thoughts.

"So what do we do now?" I asked, we couldn't stay here anymore. Akiin will just keep sending more demons.How did that demon get through the metal doors anyway?

"We move." Hez replied and I sighed.

"Yeah, I figured, but where will we move to?" Sazul sat down next to and began playing with my fingers.

"How about my place?" He asked casually, with a slight pitch of nervousness to his voice. He didnt look up, he held his head down.Silence filled the air, I didn't know what to say.

Would I be able to room with a demon? I absolutely distrusted demons, but Sazul proved to be very different. I knew I shouldnt let my hatred overpower all my decisions, so I took and deep breath and said "Yes." This would atleast be safer. I hope.


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