My Best Friend

41 9 35

Dedicated to Confused_Soul_Kriya


Joined hands and a disastrous smile
Yup, it's my best friend helping me for a while.

Dancing emojis and chocolates bag,
She always has by back.

Evil grin and simple smile,
She is a crazy squirrel jumping for a while.

Tasty carrots and yumny nuts,
She is a foodie first.

Confused look and sarcastic mouth,
She knows how to win a talk.

Smarty brain and a books in hand,
She is a nerd with sassy brain.

Songs lover and a peace finder,
Learn from her to hide secrets, she is a master.

Angry looks and high talks,
Her uniqueness can never flop.


Did I  just tried describing you in poem and failed miserably?

I think I did. 🍺


Lots of food

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