Our Demons

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Tw: mentions of suicide and abuse


"Guys? C'mon, this isn't funny!" I called out, walking through the dark, empty woods. My anxiety was at its peak, there was no signal, I just wanted to go home. Dragging them out here was a bad idea, I can't believe I did this to my friends.

The farther I went, the worse it got. I walked and walked and would've gone back if I knew where I was going in the first place. "Veronica?" A voice called out from behind me, an all too familiar one at that.

I froze, hesitantly bringing my gaze around to the dark scenery behind me, my voice starting to break. "D..D-David-??" I whimpered, starting to walk in that direction, wiping away any tears that stained my dirty face.

"God, you look awful." That voice called out again, laughing.

I knew it was him, it had to be. Without any second thought, I started running, trying to follow the voice, I wasn't really cautious about what I was taking the chance of stepping on. Tripping on a log, face planting into the wet leaves and dirt. "Dammit-" I sobbed out, slowly getting back to my feet.

"You could've helped me." The voice became rather harsh, sending a chill up my spine.

"W-...What-?" I frowned.

"When mom and dad kicked me out? Doing nothing but eavesdropping, what did I do to deserve such a lousy sister?" The voice spat, it sounded like it was coming from everywhere at once, I didn't even know anymore.

"I-I'm sorry-" I choked up. "I-I didn't mean to-" Suddenly, a hand reached out behind me, picking some leaves out of my long hair before caressing my head, holding it gently. I was paralyzed, tears streaming down my face.
"You were always an ugly crier, Ronnie." The voice said, becoming distorted. I furrowed my brows, looking up at what I thought was David, it being too dark to see their face.

The hands went from cradling my head to wrapping around my neck, starting to squeeze. My eyes widened, grabbing at their hands, trying to pry them off my neck, starting to panic. "W-Wh- David-"

"It's okay, this won't hurt a bit." They said softly, squeezing tighter and tighter. I struggled and squirmed, giving up once everything went dark, going numb.


One week ago...

Veronica woke up to the sound of shouting downstairs, slipping out of her room and sat at the top of the stairs to listen.

"You should be lucky we aren't calling the police!"

It was her mom's voice.

"Nothing would've happened if you weren't so goddamn nosy, I'm an adult! I need privacy! And really? I'm over eighteen, I can't get arrested for this."

"You're gonna get as much privacy as we give you! You're living in our house, remember that David!"

"You're the one who forced me to stay! You took my damn money!"

With hesitation, Veronica snuck downstairs, step by step until she reached the bottom. She stepped into the living room, where the argument was taking place. "..What's going on-?"

Her mother glared at her, crossing her arms. It gave off that heavy judgemental vibe she always had. "What are you doing down here, young lady? Go back to your room and mind your own business." She spat.

David looked over at his sister, he was as sick looking as ever. Those circles under his eyes could not get any darker. "Ah! No, Ronnie, stay here. I want you to listen to the bullshit they're spitting out." He grinned.

Our DemonsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin