Through it all

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The pattering of the rain splattering over the leaves, and filling the small hollows with murky pools. The birds chirped wetly from drooping branches and the brook's chuckling waters roared over the rocks.

The couple dodged between the pines, darting in between the sagging piles of leaves and muddy puddles.

Their bursts of breathless laughter ruffled the nestling birds who called back quietly, curiously.

The boy stumbled over a root and clasped the gnarled branch, doubling over and gasping for air as the rain trickled  from his eyelids and nose.

He watched the girl move beside him, a small smile stretched across her lips, as she tugged the heam of her petticoat down from under her patterned dress.

They leant against the tree, whose large feathered branches sheltered them from the worst of the downpour.

The boy turned to grin at his partner, his flaxen hair flattened, azure eyes flashing humorously.

She smiled back, trying to wring out her dripping hair.

"I didn't think it was going to rain." He apologised, letting his head fall back onto the bark. His eyes stared sideways at her.

She laughed lightly, closing her eyes and brushing wet hair from her grey marble eyes.

"It's okay. I like the rain." She watched him raise his eyebrows.

"What? I do!" She hit his arm gently with the back of her hand and he laughed, flinging his head back again.

They paused, listening to the sounds of the forest.

"Well, now we've caught our breath, shall we?" The boy grinned and straightened up, running a hand through his hair.

The girl's smile faltered slightly but she glanced down.

"Can we, maybe, stay for a bit? I'm still a little tired from that mad dash."

Instantly the boy dragged the jacket from his shoulders and pulled it over her, wrapping it around her carefully.

"I...I'm fine Luke! Just a bit..."

She protested meekly.

"No. You are not getting pneumonia."

Inside, he cursed at himself for being so careless. How could he forget?

He looked at his handiwork and nodded, rubbing her arm gently.

She smiled gratefully and then sighed.

"Sorry. I'm hopeless. I ruin everything. I'm sorry." She sounded tired and much older than she was. Luke felt his heart tear a little at the corner. He moved and stood in front of her, grabbing one of her hands in his, and her chin in the other. He lifted her face to meet his eyes.

"Don't say that. Okay? You are not hopeless. You are amazing. You can't let one thing get you down. You can't help it. So stop doubting yourself and instantly blaming yourself for every thing Eliska. Please?"

He could see the glassy beads on her cheeks and he just knew they weren't the rain now.

"Okay. Sorry." She blinked rapidly.

"And stop with the apologising! Jeepers girl!"

He rolled his eyes heavenward and slapped a hand to his forehead.


He looked at her.

Her delicate forehead furrowed and then she gasped.

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