Part 1

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"Luke, Mrs Gould called around a couple of hours ago."

Eliska smoothed the pale fabric out over the counter and took a long strip of torn ribbon from the roll.

Her husband moved to her side and grabbed the end of the ribbon, snipping off part of it, and passing it to her.

"Thank you." Eliska pulled another roll of ribbon off the shelf and placed it beside the till. "She wondered if you could maybe visit her Tommy briefly if you had time. She thinks he has a flu."

Luke handed her the scissors and leant heavily against the long wooden shelf that ran along the whole side of the room.

"Darling, I don't have any time. Barely enough to even spend with you, let alone 'pop in' and see if a little boy possibly is sneezing more than usual." Luke ran a hand through his sandy hair, clenching and unclencging his angular jaw.

Eliska looked at him. "Patients come first Luke..."

"But I will visit him anyway. See if I can treat whatever he's getting before he gets it." He added with a small grin.

Eliska smiled gently and wound up the shiny material.

"Thank you, dear. I promised her I would ask you."

Luke sighed. "I best be going then. Mr Morrison's mother has had a sort of allergic reaction to something."

He straightened up and kissed her check, patting her hand.

She gave a small wave as he headed for the door.

"Be safe!" She called out after him like she always did.

He hovered in the door.

"I promise I'll try. And you behave yourself."

He flashed that heart-melting grin and the door swung shut.

Eliska sighed and leant against the bench, stroking the smooth fabric to be worn soon by some rich lady.

She and Luke had been married for nearly a year now and Luke was still working side by side with his father as a doctor. It was quite useful really, Eliska thought as she pulled he measuring tape out of the draw, that she, in her condition, had fallen in love with a doctor.

Although Luke was earning a decent wage, she had gotten a job in a dress-maker shop. She had needed to feel useful, and being a housewife didn't really make her feel like she ever accomplished anything. Besides, there were no children to look after so she didn't want to sit around at home all day while Luke rushed around. He was always tired these days, the dark rings under his eyes were deepening. He worked too hard.

"Eliska! You are daydreaming girl! That dress won't make itself!" The shrill, musical voice cut her thoughts short.

"Oh, I am sorry Madame..." Eliska shook herself and turned to the large lady trundling through the doorway.

"No harm done dear, just try to stay on task. Mrs Malov needs that dress by next week and I need to sew the little roses on the sleeves." Madame waded her fingers through the material scraps and buttons on the table top in middle of the room. "Hm. Yes. This is the pink."

She held up a square of peach silk and squinted at it before nodding at Eliska and waddling back through the door.

Eliska turned back to the shapes of pale fabric lying on the bench amount the pins and ribbon. Carefully, she began to snip at the material, checking the plan beside her fervently and frequently. After she was satisfied, she moved over to the sewing machine and say down.

"Right. The left flap has to... No, underskirt first. The waist is tucked under here, and the bodice can be loosened though I'd suspect she'd wear a corset..." She trailed off and began to run the thinner selection of fabrics under the humming needle.

An hour ticked past and suddenly, Eliska became aware of a dull drumming at the back of her head. She ignored it as she had nearly finished two layers of the skirt complete with trimming and had just started on the sleeves.

However, as she just just tying off a thread, a sharp pain caused her to clutch her head and gasp. She sat, hunched, trying desperately to ignore the pains exploding inside her skull.

She became aware of a hand on her shoulder.

"Eliska. How much water have you drank today? You know Luke would want you to be resting and drinking."

Madame's voice was gentle, still loud and slightly ear-peircing, but there was a calmer tone underlying it. Eliska felt a glass of something in her hand. She sat up slowly and winced.

"Good grief. Your pallor is most unappealing dear... You've done enough work for today."

Taking a shaking sip of water, Eliska nodded and forced a smile for her _boss_. "I'm fine. But thank you, I would love a short rest."

Madame'a chins wobbled comically as she waved a hand.

"No dear, you can go home now. You've practically finished the hardest parts of the dress. I can pull it all together now. Now. Can you walk to your home?"

Eliska held tightly to the bench. The ground was swirling around her ankles like water. "Of course, thank you kindly Madame. I promise I will work harder next week." She hoped she sounded convincing.

It must have at least been a little bit persuasive as Madame tutted and waved a hand, plumping herself down at the sewing machine. "Good, good. Rest well."

Eliska made her way to the door, forcing her legs to walk straight. "Thank you." She said hastily before stepping outside and sinking down in front of the door, pushing it closed.

Now, colours began to dart in front of her eyes like little fish, and dots that spiraled away whenever she moved her head swarmed between the clashes of colour.

"Oh dear." She whispered as she pulled herself to her feet and staggered along the path, blinking.

She felt so light and yet her legs almost were collapsing under her.

But she couldn't rest here now. It was late, the sun had nearly set and her house was a seven minute walk away. But then her stomach heaved.

"Luke..." She sighed as her knees gave way and the colours and lights faded to the seeping dark.


Wow. This is short!


Hope you like it anyway! Sorry for any mistakes or spelling things..

<3 Love ya all!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2012 ⏰

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