Chapter 20 - Nothing is Set in Stone

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Sophie's POV (first person again):

I turn to face Keefe.

"Keefe, I-"

He interrupts me, "No, Foster, I don't want to hear any excuses. I did something terribly wrong. I'm so, so sorry, but those words can't fix anything. Tell me what I can do, what I can say to make you trust me again." A sob escapes him and he screws his eyes shut tight, "Forgive me, Sophie."

I climb slowly out of my bed, ignoring the sharp pain in my head, and lay down beside him. I wrap my arms around him from behind. He tenses, but then melts into my touch. I rub circles on his shoulder.

"Keefe, I do forgive you. I'm sure you don't remember, but that's the last thing I said to you before I passed out. I said 'Keefe, whatever you did, I forgive you.' It's okay, you don't owe me anything. We're together now. Just focus on me, not the past."

He turns slowly and his face appears in front of mine. I touch his cheeks and wipe away the tears still tracing their way down his face. 

"Foster, I'll never be the same again. I'll probably be afraid, distracted, and anxious all the time. you don't want me like that."

I shake my head. No.

"Keefe, I love you. Do you know what that means? I love you when you're happy, sad, angry, upset, anxious, and everything else. I don't care if you're changed. You're still Keefe Sencen, my brave, beautiful boyfriend."

Keefe scrunches his forehead. "I can't wait to get rid of that name."

"Fine. Keefe Foster, I love you."

His eyes light up, and a mischievous smirk appears. "Did you just propose to me, Foster?"

"You always know how to ruin a moment, don't you." I laugh, "No, Keefe, I made you a promise. I'm fifteen, you're not much older. But one day, yes, I would love to marry you. No matter what the matchmakers say."

Then his lips are on mine, warm and familiar. As hard as it is, I pull away, only an inch or so, so when I speak, my lips brush his.

"Keefe, acknowledge that you heard me. You are not broken, you are not unwanted."

He looks down, his blonde eyelashes fluttering. 

"Sophie, it's hard for me to accept. My mother went on ranting about my destiny, how I was meant to fulfill it. That's what it was. I was meant to steal your abilities, and take them for myself. Obviously her plan didn't work, but what's to stop her from trying again? I'm a danger to you, don't you understand?"

"No, Keefe. Nothing is set in stone. You are not your destiny. You can shape your future however you want. You're so strong, Keefe. And nothing you say will change my mind about you."

I kiss him, pouring all of my feelings into it, hoping he understands. 

This time he pulls back and looks into my eyes, ice blue piercing my heart. 

"I love you, Sophie Foster."

"I love you, Keefe Foster." I smile, liking the way it sounds. "Don't ever forget it."

The End

Thank you for sticking with this story until the end. It may have taken me way too long, but I hope it was worth it. Please let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks to Foosball342 and babygirlbydrewminer for voting almost as soon as I post a new chapter. Now that I've finished, hopefully I'll have time to reread it and edit it...aka take out all the cringey things that I wrote while half asleep ;) 

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