010; The Untold Truth Revealed and Another Step Forward

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It's been a few weeks since their day date, and Atlas was pacing around the small living room in Evelyn's apartment, waiting for her to finish showering, so he could explain it all to her. His family, the man with the camera, and most importantly who Noah truly is. Yes, He remembers. 

Instead of staying in the blue of it all, he contacted someone to do research on the number that texted Evelyn's phone a few weeks back. He got in touch with the person, who just so turned out to be Noah. He learnt everything from him that day, and he proved it with secrets and small details only he and a few others would've known. Even so, Atlas still couldn't forgive Noah for everything he did to Evelyn; The cheating, the disappearing, just not being there for her, he couldn't forgive Noah for any of that, but he could forgive Noah for disappearing on him, for running away because of his own guilt. He couldn't hold a grudge on someone who was doing the same as he was; hiding the truth and portraying a lie. After all, Atlas was adopted by a wealthy family, Noah grew up in the shadows, and though their parents knew each other, Atlas' biological parents didn't tell anyone they were struggling, their excuse for giving up one child of two was because they simply couldn't have handled two at once; stupid I know. 

Evelyn came out the bathroom, initially shocked as she was instantly dragged by Atlas and forced to sit on the couch. "I need to tell you. If I keep this secret any longer I'm going to hurt us both, or I'm going to burst from the inside out." Atlas said frantically as Evelyn grabbed his hands in attempt to calm him. "Hey look, unless you're about to tell me you've cheated or that you're already married, I promise whatever you say can be worked through and discussed." She said with confidence and reassurance, calming his nerves enough for him to speak. "Ok. Ok. I'll just sum everything up and explain after." He said, looking into her eyes waiting for a response; She nodded her head and waited for him. "OK. First, Noah is my twin. Second of all, I'm the adopted son of DongGuk and YeongJa Lee, the current CEO of XXXX Company. Finally, I lost my memory in an accident when I was 15, hence why i didn't recognise Noah when he appeared on our first date over a year ago." Atlas spat out, almost slurring his words as he spoke. 

Silence took over for a minute as Evelyn processed the information. Then she started with the questions, Atlas answering each one with 100 percent honesty. Then came THE question. "Who was the man with the camera?" She asked, sounding purely curious and not angry, like Atlas thought she'd be. Atlas sighed and then answered, "He's my Mother's assistant. My mother was nagging me about getting a girlfriend, and I told her I had one and she'd meet her soon. I guess she got impatient and had someone tail us so she could see pictures of you." Atlas said, running out of breath on his last word and collapsing backwards on the couch. Evelyn was more shocked and in disbelief than she was angry; in fact she was happy to know he had such caring parents, but she wasn't too happy about the twin fact, but she knew he wasn't like him. She knew he was different.

Atlas studied her face, not knowing what she was thinking or feeling, that was until she spoke. "So basically, I'm dating my Ex's twin brother, who just so happens to be adopted by a CEO and his wife, therefore making him a rich mans son?" She asked with complete shock, Atlas just awkwardly laughing with a nod. She hugged him tightly, smacking his arm lightly, "Yah! You idiot! What made you think my heart would change? Whether you were a rich mans son or an average office worker, my love for you will always be unconditional." She cried out into his shoulder. Atlas dug into his pocket, "So, what your saying is that this would be the perfect time to give you this?" He said with a smirk as he pulled her up to her feet, him pulling out the box from his pocket. 

He placed one knee on the floor and opened the box; there sat a simple, yet intricate and beautiful, ring. "Choi HyeJin, Evelyn, I'm here in front of you now with what was initially a promise ring, but today it is much more. I'm asking you, with love from deeper than any place known, Will you marry me?" Atlas choked out through tears, Evelyn's hand shaking as she held it out, crying uncontrollably, "Of course I would you dummy!" She choked out, Atlas placing the ring on her finger. He jumped up, lifting her off her feet into a tight and never ending embrace. A day they both thought they wouldn't see for years, came so early; although nothing special was planned for this to happen, it was the complete honesty and communication before such an event that made this all so special and important. 

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