twist and turns

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One Saturday morning a girl named Cecilia (AKA me the author) was getting ready for school then suddenly she hears yelling from her living room "No you need to get a job and get money for we can take proper care of our family" of course Cecilia was used to her parents fighting because her parents fought every single day. Of course Cecilia hated it.All she wanted to do was escape her terrible world and drift off.But of course she couldn't do that so she just read her shoujo manga

"Get down here Cecilia time for school" Cecilia's mom said frantically.Oh how she hated school all she wanted to do was skip school and spend time at home or get a boyfriend.But she had to go to school according to her mom.Oh where to begin with this awful life.

Cecili was just like any 17 year old trying to get through highschool.Well almost like every high school girl she was just a bit different.She had a huge secert that even her parents dident even know.Which was crazy! I mean its so bad that she couldn't even tell her parents and she tried not to think any of it but she did a lot of thinking on it.And right when she was at school......

"Hey did you hear about the new kid a lot of people think hes hot", "Really?", "Yeah", two girls were jumping around and dancing which made Cecilia feel really awkward  not knowing what was going on when she walked up to them. I mean really what would you do if you walked up to two girls dancing and jumping around?

so of course Ceilia being the idiot she is and asked what they were so happy about "you dont need to know your not even pretty" the girl with long brown hair answered in a rude tone but does that even count as an answer?! "oh well sorry to waste your time" Ceilie walked away breaking the only pencil she had which was kinda dumb because she only brought one pencil at least come prepared!

So when Cecilia finally got to class she sat in her seat waiting for class to start when suddenly a new student walked through the classroom to the front of the room with girls falling in love him right  as he walked by them "what is this love at first sight?" Cecilia protesed but it seemed that no girl seemed to care at what Cecilia was saying at all.

"this boy's name is Logan" the teacher was just going on about the new guy. I mean I guess I see why they would think hes hot ahh nevermind so when the teacher finally stoped talking about the new guy he had to choose a seat to sit in but suprisingly he sat next to me but I bet I know why because I was the only girl not to drool all over him

"Hi im Ceilia nice to meet you" Wow was I nervous "oh hey nice parents you got at home Ceilia" wait what how come he met my parents "um hey what do you mean nice parents?" I bet I looked dumb as ever "oh your parents didn't tell you well I will, howdy neighbor" WHAATTTT????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(comment down below if you want more)

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