Chapter 28

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The next week

Kirstie POV

I wake up to the sound of the tap running in the bathroom. When I turn to my left, I see that Avi is no longer there, hence why I hear water running. I carefully climb out of bed and make my way into the kitchen to make breakfast. I start by cutting up some vegetables and grabbing the precooked bacon to make omelets with. Next, I start assembling everything together, Avi usually has tomatoes, mushrooms, and bacon on his while I like to stick with shredded cheese, tomatoes, green onions, and mushrooms.

"What are you doing up so early?" I hear from behind me. When I turn around, Avi is standing against the door frame with a smile on his face. I shrug.

"I couldn't sleep anymore. My back started cramping up because of how I was laying." I continue to make breakfast and he walks closer. Avi wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder, watching me cook.

"Do you feel fine other than your back?" He asks while placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"Surprisingly yes. Like I said yesterday, I haven't had any morning sickness yet and I haven't been super tired. I just get random back cramps or leg cramps." I explain as I plate our food.

"Let's eat, and then just relax by our pool." We both take a seat at the outside table and enjoy the view.

"I don't think I will ever get used to this." Avi says while taking a bite.

"It's so beautiful. We need to bring the kids one day." I say while watching some seagulls fly over our heads.

"Maybe once this baby comes, we can start planning a family vacation." I nod agreeing.

Just as we're starting to head out for the day, about 20 minutes later, Avi's phone starts dinging. I kiss Avi and he checks his phone. It's Ben, "Hey, I'm coming by." Just as he was about to respond, the bell rings.

I look at Avi, "Who is that?"

He looks at me, "Ben." He opens the door.

Ben looks at us, with something in his hand. "I have something to tell you." He leads us to the couch. "You guys aren't going to believe this. Kirstie, your cover of "Gravity" has reached Gold certified, and you are going on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show to perform it, and he even wants to have you and Avi on the couch. Congrats Kirstie!" He gives me a hug, and hands me a certified Gold placard!

"That's huge! I'm so proud of you baby!" Avi kisses my cheek and then my lips.

"What do we do? Release more? When is Kimmel?" I ask.

Ben responds, "Well, we should release the original sometime soon. I just need to get your vocal on it, I think. It's next week."

I look at Avi, "I can go in beforehand and do it when we come back."

Ben hugs the both of us. "Sounds good!" With that, Ben leaves. We're so excited that we couldn't wait. He lifts me, kisses me, and starts to swirl me around.

Scott POV

"Mitch come on! We need to sit down and talk about this." I say from my spot on the couch.

"Why do we have to talk about it right now? Why can't we just enjoy our time away from everything?" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Because Mitch, if this is something that we are serious about, we need to start now. There are so many couples that wait years to be matched with a child. I don't want that to be us. I want us to get in the system now, so we have more of a chance." I explain while looking at my computer. There is so much paperwork to do and interviews, not to mention house checks. From behind me, I hear a sniffle. I quickly turn my head and see Mitch with tears running down his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I quickly move my computer and get up, wrapping my arms around the small brunette.

"I'm scared Scott. What if I'm not a good parent, what if we are moving too fast and we regret this." He starts to sob, and I pull him closer to my chest.

"Hey calm down. Look at me and take a deep breath." He follows my instructions and I lead him to the couch.

"There is nothing you should be worried about. I have seen you with kids, you're amazing with Blair and Chase and Petey."

"But those aren't our kids. We aren't the ones that they will depend on for everything."

"Yes, that is true, but you've got this Mitchie. I believe in you and so do the others." He looks up at me with tears in his eyes and he lets out a raggedy breath. "But if it makes you feel better, we can wait until we return home to start looking at the paperwork." Mitch nods.

"Maybe first we can focus on looking for a house. I think that is something I can deal with for now." He suggested with a small smile. I nod.

"We can do that. Do you have any ideas what you want in a house?" I grab my computer and pull up the notes section.

"I definitely want to stay in the area we are in now, some land so that any future kids or animals have room to run around, and a big kitchen for hosting parties." I type everything he says plus a few of my ideas.

"When we get home, we can contact a realtor and start looking into some options." He smiles at me and leans back against my chest.

"Any Plans for today?" I shake my head.

"Not a thing. I was hoping we could just stay here and cuddle." Mitch smiles before facing me.

"I like that idea." He mumbles as he places a kiss on my lips.

Alyssa POV

"Kevin, can we talk?" I ask as I make my way outside our little bungalow.

"Sure, what's up?" He asks as I take a seat.

"I want to talk to you about trying for another baby." I say nervously while looking down at my hands. This is harder than I had expected it to be.

"What about it?" He asks cautiously, sitting up straighter in his seat.

"I'm not sure how I feel about trying right now. Petey is still so young, what if we can't deal with 2 so young." I exclaim trying my best to keep the tears at bay. I remember how I felt after our first was born, the feeling of helplessness is one I will never forget. It was like I couldn't do anything right. It scares me that I could feel that way.

"Of course, we can deal. We have each other." I shake my head at him.

"Let me rephrase it. I don't think I can deal with two so young. I think back to when we had Petey and the depression I had. You remember I couldn't hardly function, what if that happens again." Kevin looks at me worried. He gets up from his seat and squats down in front of me.

"Alyssa, I didn't realize how bad it was." he wipes away the tears running down my face.

"I didn't want you to know the full extent. I hated that I felt that way, I should have been happy but instead I wanted to run away from everything." He wraps his arms around me and I cry into his chest.

"Then we wait. We get you the help that you need and then we see where life takes us." 

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