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"Im hungry" Craig mumbled falling down onto his bed so he was laying on his back, while I was sat down at the edge of the bed sitting on the floor while i was watching some random ass movie, "then go get something to eat" i say rolling my eyes but smiling.

Craig groan for a couple of seconds before getting up and walking out of his room.

My ass was starting to hurt from sitting on the floor for so long, i so decided to move to the bed and lay down while i wait for Craig to being food or something.

I laid down on my side while pulling a blanket over me, it smelt like Craig everywhere which i dont mind at all. I actually quite like his smell, not sweet, and not heavy or anything like that.

"What are you doing" i heard a voice come from the door, I open one eye and saw Craig looking at me while holding a bag of cherrys.

"Nothing" I mumbled feeling my face heat up pulling the blanket up more to cover me face, i know he's smirking.

I feel the bed move down a little indicating Craigs sitting down in front of me, "want one" he asked, i peeked out a little to see him holding a cherry, I mumbled sure and reached out to grab it but he moved his arm away.

He smirked before putting it in his mouth holding half of it out, "come and get it then" he said still smirking threw the cherry.

You son of a bitch, i looked at him unimpressed and got up, he looked at me confused until i reached other him for the bag.

He grabbed my arm and pulled my leg over him so my legs were on the either side of his thighs.

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him, "what are you doing" i asked, "what are you doing" he copied me with the cherry still in his mouth.

"I was getting a cherry" i say looking away so he doesn't see my face beat red, but he probably already has.

"But i was trying to give you one" he pouted which was kinda funny with the cherry in his mouth, "yeah, but I want one thats not covered in your slobber" i say grinning this time.

He scoffed before lifting his arm fast before i could stop him, he pulled my neck so i was face to face with him.

"Well to bad" he whispered before pushing onto my neck more that I could feel the cherry against my lips.

We kept eye contact the whole time until he glared at me, i was confused until i felt his other hand come onto my face.

He let his hand roam around my jawline till he moved his thumb closer to my mouth and tried to force it open, I opened my mouth slowly letting the cherry in along with his tongue.

He lifted his other arm and put his hand on my neck tilting it back a little so he could push deeper into my mouth, his other one left my cheek and snaked onto my waist holding it tight.

I would try and pull away but his hand it blocking my way, he moving his tongue all around but some what feels weird since we never kissed like this.

I obviously don't know how to kiss so i don't do anything, after a couple seconds Craig grinning into the kiss and pulled my head back, spitting the cherry seed out on the floor.

"You suck at this you know" he said still grinning, he was barely an inch away from my mouth.

Craig pov

His face looks really erotic right now, his face flushed and mouth halfway swollen, spit shine on his bottom lip, trailing down his chin.

"You know, if i could i would always have you look like this" i say making his face flush even more then is already is, "whats wrong with you" he mumbled letting his head fall in the middle of my chest.

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